
ParkAndAnnounce() — Parks the current call and announces the call over the specified channel



Parks the current call in the parking lot and announces the call over the specified channel. The template is a colon-separated list of files to announce; the word PARKED is replaced with the parking space number of the call. The timeout argument is the time in seconds before the call returns to the return_context. The channel argument is the channel to call to make the announcement. Console/dsp calls the console. The return_context argument is a Goto()-style label to jump the call back in to after timeout, which defaults to n+1 (where n is the current priority) in the return_context context.

include => parkedcalls
exten => 123,1,Answer()
exten => 123,2,ParkAndAnnounce(vm-youhave:a:pbx-transfer:at:vm-extension:PARKED,120,
exten => 123,3,Playback(vm-nobodyavail)
exten => 123,4,Playback(vm-goodbye)
exten => 123,5,Hangup()

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