Async Collection Methods

Let’s try to solve this problem without bringing in any utility functions. The simplest approach that I can think of is to run each readFile from the callback of the previous one, while keeping track of the number of callbacks that have fired so far in order to eventually show the output. Here’s my implementation:

var​ fs = require(​'fs'​);
process.chdir(​'recipes'​); ​// change the working directory
var​ concatenation = ​''​;
fs.readdir(​'.'​, ​function​(err, filenames) {
if​ (err) ​throw​ err;
function​ readFileAt(i) {
var​ filename = filenames[i];
fs.stat(filename, ​function​(err, stats) {
if​ (err) ​throw​ err;
if​ (! stats.isFile()) ​return​ readFileAt(i + 1); ...

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