How Do You Speak?
We all have experience with pass it down the lane messaging. Inevitably the message is completely different at the end of the line. As we are realizing in the social web, and as you read about the call center, the messages that leaders are sending are not always the same ones resonating with the Customer or your service team. We need to fix this now! Our Customers need to hear the right message from executives, call center agents, and every employee within your company. The world is connected and they are listening to the signals you send.
Not all businesses have call centers, but all deal directly with some sort of Customer, whether it is business-to-business or business-to-Consumer. It is all the same and it starts with a relationship. As mentioned, the key is starting with hiring the right people and creating the best work environment for your employees. Do your employees have access to key decision makers within your business? Do they have access to each other? First, let’s take a look at communication within your business. Most people will look at their business and say that they have excellent communication, but how is it actually being used? Is it an environment where the lowest level employees feel safe sharing ideas or feedback? In larger businesses this is the number one challenge as they often restrict access to some employees to things like e-mail or instant messenger. This is done often in production-type roles, such as Customer Service ...