Neil Barrett
Neil Barrett
Neil Barrett’s creations possess a special charisma. His refi ned, waisted suits fi t like a glove,
granting the person wearing them a rakishly elegant rebelliousness, a complex equilibrium
arrived at thanks to the skillfulness of a designer brimming with talent.
Neil ranks among the most intriguing fashion designers on the current scene. He studied
at Central Saint Martins and cut his teeth at some of the best labels in the business. He was
rst tapped by Gucci to design their mens line, a position he held until 1994. At that time,
he began working as the creative director of Pradas mens line.
Neil’s connection to this fi rm translated into a doubling of sales between 1994 and 1995,
as well as the certainty, for Neil, that he possessed the requisite talent and charisma to suc-
cessfully move his fi rm forward. To that end, Neil presented his own mens collection in
1999, to which, years later, he added the womens collection that he presents every year at
Milan Fashion Week. On top of this, the collaboration with Puma and the long waiting list
of actors and musicians anxious for Neil to dress them.
It is likely that his success resides in an exact combination of elegant designs and street
wear. All of his garments are easy to wear, endowed with a versatility that makes them ap-
propriate for any occasion, with a strong dose of avant-garde added to the mix.
ese qualities have made Neil one of the most observed designers of the moment, cul-
tivating his vision one step ahead of fashion trends. And in the world of fashion, this is
Photography courtesy of Neil Barrett
Neil Barrett
Above, designer specifi cations for the
shirt worn by the model on the right.
In a sleight of hand, the designer
fashions back pockets and front pleats
on the shirt.
Sketch courtesy of Neil Barrett
Neil Barrett
Photographs courtesy of Neil Barrett
Neil Barrett
- What inspires you?
Inspiration for me comes throughout the day and night, when you specifi cally look for it or when you least expect it,
by allowing your senses to be inspired by any object, situation or mood and then following your fi rst instinct.
- What is your dream as a designer?
To continue to increase the frequency with which I see people for whom I have personal esteem for their talent in their
chosen careers, wearing Neil Barrett.
- What has been the most important achievement of your career?
After just eight years since my fi rst collection, hitting 65 million euros worth of retail sales in 2007 has been a milestone
for me as an independent designer, without advertising or PR, without a fi nancial or production backer, which shows
that people have bought for the clothes’ sake and not for a hyped PR brand.
- How important are trends?
I believe in following my instinct. In the end, a trend for me is when you feel strongly for some element of design or
styling, and this is picked up by the stylist, journalists or buyers. For this reason, trends are relative. It really depends on
individual taste and not a general consensus.
- Fashion has always refl ected a certain era. What does fashion refl ect in the twenty-fi rst century?
e world is a smaller place today, through media and travel accessibility. Infl uences from the world over are present in
todays wardrobe. I believe its acknowledging both the past and present and combining them through a futuristic fi lter
that will refl ect what is new in this century.
- What book would you recommend to every fashion designer?
Citizens of the Twentieth Century, by August Sander.
Neil Barrett
Via Savona, 97
20144 Milan
Neil Barrett
Photographs and sketch courtesy of Neil Barrett

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