Craig Robinson
Craig Robinson
If Craig Robinson had lived in the New York of the 20s, he would have been the tailor of
gangsters and mafi osos. e darling designer of suits worn to speakeasies in the Era of Pro-
hibition. e whim of a mob boss with taste. e principal architect of the distinguished
and arrogant style of a romantic time.
For this reason, today, in the absence of other icons of raffi sh elegance, Craig dresses the
bad boys of downtown New York, groups like Interpol, the New York Dolls and Secret Ma-
chines, among others, are some of his most fervent followers. All of them visit his workshop
on 5th Avenue, where respect and reverence for the creative process of the tailor is palpable,
where clients are treated with the same courtesy and aff ection with which Craig designs,
cuts and sews their suits, suits that combine elegant tailoring with a current touch, result-
ing in a unique and singular garment customized to the personality of its owner.
Since he was young, this New Mexico–born designer exhibited a passion for dress garments
and a skill for coming up with cowboy outfi ts for his friends. It is likely that this experience
helped him realize that the same suit takes on a diff erent character depending on who is
wearing it and that only through customized work is it possible to obtain the appropriate
look for an individual.
For this reason, on his webpage Craig is seen creating, drawing, sewing with his old ma-
chine in a dark, clandestine atmosphere, to the rhythm of rock and roll, making the cre-
ative process a delight—all a luxury in these times of stylism and pret-a-porter, a creation
for those who know how to appreciate the mastery that goes into a unique suit.
Photography by Rudy Archuleta
Craig Robinson
Photographs by Rudy Archuleta
Craig Robinson
Images of the designer in his New York
studio where he invests each of his
garments with the spirit of traditional
tailoring while simultaneously
remaining innovative, keeping pace
with modern times to the rhythm of
rock and roll.
Photographs by Rudy Archuleta
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