Hikaru Katano
Hikaru Katano
Japan is the cradle of the most innovative fashion designers in recent years, talents that can
be characterized by their constant research into textile, technological and aesthetic matters
and their cultural contribution to a West always astounded and amazed by what reaches it
from the Land of the Rising Sun. Within this panorama, Hikaru Katano, with his Share
Spirit label, emerges as something completely diff erent.
After attending Tokyo’s prestigious Bunka Fashion College, he set off for England, driven
by an urge to see the world and learn English, a language which would allow him to realize
his principal passion of traveling and learning about new cultures.
India, Bali, Hong Kong, Morocco, Mongolia, Mexico and Peru are some of the places this
designer has visited, collecting traditional garments, jewelry and ideas as sources of inspira-
tion for his own collections. Yet, in terms of symbolism, this also serves as means for ap-
preciating the passage of time, tradition and the richness of cultural heterogeneity. Indeed,
his designs are a rare thing in fashion today, representing an avenue of escape in a world in
need of ideas and characterized by excessive speed and a frenetic pace.
His Tokyo store is a veritable museum of objects from diff erent parts of the world. Full
of history and symbolism, they are a source of sensations and energy fundamental to his
creative work, the same energy he seeks to transmit in his collections.
Photography courtesy of Hikaru Katano
Hikaru Katano
Above, an image of a nook of his store
in Japan that houses diverse objects
collected by the designer on his travels
which serve as a source of creative
inspiration. To the right, a sketch done
especially for this book.
Photography courtesy of Hikaru Katano
Hikaru Katano
Sketch courtesy of Hikaru Katano
Hikaru Katano
- What inspires you?
Traveling all over the world and meeting people, especially diff erent races. I get incentive from their diff erent sense of
values and culture. Pure things born in the world of nature are what most inspire me.
- What is your dream as a designer?
To spend the richest time—making clothes is the most free and enjoyable for me—not to succeed in the fashion busi-
ness world. I could say it is artistic clothes. I have been trying to spend ten years making just one piece of clothing.
- What has been the most important achievement of your career?
To continue working as a designer for twenty years, the people who support me and “connection.”
- How important are trends?
I suppose trends are needed by the world. My “trends” are spiritual.
- Fashion has always refl ected a certain era. What does fashion refl ect in the twenty-fi rst century?
More artistic clothes are needed by people, and I wish it could be. I feel the recent fashion scene pursues too much
business and profi t. Philosophy and ideas have to be needed by fashion companies and designers, and it becomes strong
message to people.
- What book would you recommend to every fashion designer?
First Seen—Portraits of the World’s Peoples. Avedon—Photographs, 1947–1977.
Hikaru Katano
14-10 Hachiyama-cho, Shibuya-ku
Tokyo 150-0035
Hikaru Katano
Graphic design by Lissajous
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