

ABR. See Auxiliary bass radiator (ABR)

Absolute threshold, 558

AC. See Alternating current (AC)

AC-coupled amplifiers advantages in, 278279

Accumulation of information, 558

Acoustical power, 6466

Acoustic gain equalizers, 544

Acoustic impedance in loudspeaker, 337338

Acoustic labyrinths, 388393 cone excursions, 391 infinite pipe, 390 low frequency pipe, 390 modern transmission lines, 391393

Acoustic materials, density of, 589

Acoustic reflex, 33

Acoustic suspensions, in sealed box, 386

Acoustic wave, 591 in loudspeaker, 336337

AC power cords, 206207

Active balancing, 160

Active crossovers vs. passive crossovers, 418422

Active-sensing messages, 459

Acustisol, 602

A.D.A.M Audio, 370

Adaptors, 172173

Adiabatic losses, 578

AES. ...

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