Note to Reader: Bolded page numbers indicate main discussions of a topic. Italicized page numbers indicate illustrations.
2D drawing layouts. see layouts
2D drawing navigation, 13–17, 14–17
2D modeling. see also drawings
extruding 2D geometry into 3D, 316–317, 316–317
projecting edges on surfaces, 319–321, 319–321
revolving 2D profile into 3D model, 313–314, 313–314
3D modeling
editing solids, 331–333, 332–333
editing surface models, 317
extruding 2D geometry into 3D, 316–317, 316–317
extruding solid objects, 323–327, 324–326
lofting solid objects, 327–328, 327–328
making planar surfaces, 311–312, 312
navigation. see navigating 3D models
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