Autodesk Inventor 2013 and Autodesk Inventor LT 2013 Essentials

Book description

Get up to speed with Autodesk Inventor, the leading manufacturing design program

This Autodesk Official Training Guide thoroughly covers the fundamentals of Autodesk Inventor 2013 and Inventor LT 2013. Focusing on basics such as using the interface, creating parts and assemblies, applying standards and styles, creating 2D drawings from 3D data, and more, it teaches you everything you need to become quickly productive with the software. Whether you're a new student learning CAD, preparing for certification, or updating your Inventor skills, this is the fast, thorough grounding you need.

  • Features approachable, real-world, hands-on exercises and additional task-based tutorials

  • Teaches you how to create 2D drawings from 3D data, model parts and assemblies, apply standards and styles, and work with sheet metal parts and create plastic parts

  • Explains how to blend parts and assemblies into weldments, create images and animations from your design data, and work with non-Inventor data

  • Helps you streamline tasks with design automation tools

The book's concise discussions and real-world tutorials make it the perfect resource for manufacturing design professionals and students needing to quickly learn the software.

Table of contents

  1. Cover
  2. Contents
    1. Introduction
  3. Chapter 1: Connecting to Inventor’s Interface
    1. Exploring Inventor’s Graphical User Interface
      1. Opening a File
      2. Exploring the Ribbon
      3. Rearranging the Panels
      4. Using the Browser
      5. Exploring the File Tabs
      6. Highlighting and Enabled Components
      7. Working in the Graphics Window
      8. Checking Out the Status Bar
      9. Using Marking Menus
    2. Setting Application Options
      1. Using the Import/Export Buttons
      2. Exploring the General Tab
      3. Exploring the Colors Tab
      4. Exploring the Display Tab
      5. Exploring the Hardware Tab
      6. Exploring the Assembly Tab
      7. Exploring the Drawing Tab
      8. Exploring the Sketch Tab
      9. Exploring the Part Tab
    3. Using Visualization Tools
      1. Understanding the Visual Styles
      2. Using Shadows
      3. Using Ground Reflections
      4. Using the Ground Plane
      5. Putting Visual Styles to Work
      6. Setting the Lighting Style
      7. Using Color Override
    4. Working with Project Files
      1. Creating a Project File
      2. Modifying the Project File
  4. Chapter 2: Creating 2D Drawings from 3D Data
    1. Drawing Views of a Part
      1. Types of Drawing Views
      2. Starting a New Drawing
      3. Placing the Base and Projected Views
      4. Placing a Section View
      5. Creating an Auxiliary View
      6. Creating a Detail View
    2. Editing Views
      1. View Alignment
      2. Changing Alignment
      3. View Appearance
    3. Adding Detail to Drawing Views
      1. Center Marks and Centerlines
      2. Editing a Detail View Placement and Callout
    4. Dimensioning
      1. The General Dimension Tool
      2. The Baseline and Baseline Set Dimension Tools
      3. The Chain and Chain Set Dimension Tools
      4. The Ordinate and Ordinate Set Dimension Tools
      5. Editing Dimensions
      6. The Hole and Thread Notes Tool
      7. Retrieving Model Dimensions
      8. Associativity
      9. Replace Model Reference
  5. Chapter 3: Learning the Essentials of Part Modeling
    1. Defining a Parametric Sketch
      1. Creating a Sketch
      2. Adding and Editing Geometric Constraints
      3. Editing Dimensions
      4. Creating a Pattern in a Sketch
      5. Using Sketches for Concept Layout
      6. Understanding Sketch Alerts
    2. Creating 3D Geometry: The Parametric Solid Model
      1. Extruding the Base Feature
      2. Setting the Material and Color
      3. Reusing Sketch Geometry
      4. Connecting to Other Sketch Data
      5. Creating a Revolve Feature
      6. Creating Sweep Features
      7. Leveraging Primitives
      8. Adding an Edge Fillet
      9. Adding Edge Fillets with Multiple Radii
      10. Applying a Chamfer
      11. Placing Concentric Holes
      12. Creating a Circular Pattern
      13. Placing Sketched Holes
  6. Chapter 4: Putting Things in Place with Assemblies
    1. Creating an Assembly
    2. Understanding Grounded Components
    3. Applying Assembly Constraints
      1. The Mate Constraint
      2. The Insert Constraint
      3. The Angular Constraint
      4. The Tangent Constraint
      5. The Transitional Constraint
    4. Working with the Content Center
    5. Using the Bolted Connection Generator
    6. Saving Time with the Assemble Tool
  7. Chapter 5: Customizing Styles and Templates
    1. Working with Styles
      1. Creating a Standard
      2. Creating a New Object Default Set
      3. Defining a Text Style for Dimensions and Notes
      4. Defining a New Dimension Style
      5. Setting Layer Properties
      6. Setting the Object Defaults
      7. Saving the Standard
      8. Changing a Color Style
    2. Defining a New Material
    3. Defining a Title Block
    4. Saving a New Template
    5. Creating a Quick-Start Template
  8. Chapter 6: Creating Advanced Drawings and Detailing
    1. Creating Advanced Drawing Views
      1. Projecting Views from a Section View
      2. Creating a Sketch in the Drawing View
      3. The Break Out View
      4. Changing Part Drawing Behavior
      5. Part Visibility
      6. View Suppression
      7. Drawing Element Suppression
      8. Break View
      9. Slice View
      10. Custom View
    2. Using Advanced Drawing Annotation Tools
      1. Automated Text
      2. Leader Text
      3. Special Symbols
      4. Balloon
      5. Auto Balloon
      6. Creating a Parts List
      7. Editing Dimension Values
      8. Placing Ordinate Dimensions and Automated Centerlines
      9. Hole Tables
  9. Chapter 7: Advanced Part Modeling Features
    1. Projecting Sketches and Lofting
      1. Projecting a 3D Sketch
      2. Defining a Loft Path Between Points
      3. Creating Loft Features
      4. Using the Engineer’s Notebook
      5. Creating a Sweep
      6. Creating a Shell
    2. Building a Hole Pattern
      1. Using a Linear Hole Placement
      2. Creating a Rectangular Hole Pattern
      3. Expanding on the Rectangular Pattern
    3. Exploring Advanced Efficiency Features
      1. Combining Fillet Types
      2. Adding a Draft Angle
      3. Replacing One Face with Another
      4. Mirroring
      5. Creating an Offset Work Plane
      6. Using a Fillet to Close a Gap
      7. Adding a Coil
      8. Using Open Profiles
      9. View Representations in a Part
  10. Chapter 8: Advanced Assembly and Engineering Tools
    1. Controlling the Assembly Environment
      1. Creating View Representations
      2. Creating Level-of-Detail Representations
    2. Using Design Accelerators
      1. Using the Bearing Generator
      2. Using the Adaptivity Feature Within the Assembly
      3. Using the Shaft Generator
      4. Calculating and Graphing Shaft Characteristics
      5. Using the Spur Gear Generator
      6. Using the Key Connection Generator
    3. Working with Additional Assembly Tools
      1. Mirroring Components
      2. Deriving Components
      3. Constraining and Animating Assembly Motion
  11. Chapter 9: Creating Plastic Parts
    1. Developing Specialized Features for Plastic Components
      1. Sculpting a Plastic Surface
      2. Stitching Surfaces Together
      3. Splitting Bodies
      4. Adding a Lip
      5. Adding a Boss
      6. Creating a Rest
      7. The Rule Fillet Tool
      8. Adding a Grill
      9. Embossing or Engraving
      10. The Snap Fit Tool
      11. Adding Ribs
      12. Adding Decals
    2. Creating an Assembly Using a Multibody Solid to Maintain a Consistent Shape
      1. Converting Bodies to Components
      2. Draft Analysis
  12. Chapter 10: Working with Sheet Metal Parts
    1. Defining Sheet Metal Material Styles
    2. Building Sheet Metal Components
      1. Creating a Basic Face
      2. Adding Sides to the Part
      3. Building from the Middle
      4. Using an Open Profile
      5. Adding Library Features Around Bends
      6. Exploring an Advanced Open Profile Tool
      7. Building Transitions in Sheet Metal
      8. Working with Existing Designs
      9. Adding the Finishing Touches
    3. Preparing the Part for Manufacture
      1. Building the Flat Pattern
    4. Documenting Sheet Metal Parts
      1. Establishing the Process
      2. Documenting the Process
  13. Chapter 11: Building with the Frame Generator
    1. Creating Metal Frames
      1. Beginning the Frame
      2. Inserting Members on Edges
      3. Inserting Members Between Points
      4. Inserting Members on Curves
    2. Editing Metal Frames
      1. Defining Joints with the Miter Tool
      2. Changing an Edit and the Trim to Frame Tool
      3. The Trim/Extend Tool
      4. Creating Notches
      5. The Lengthen/Shorten Tool
      6. The Change Tool
      7. Changing the Frame Skeleton
  14. Chapter 12: Working in a Weldment Environment
    1. Converting an Assembly
    2. Calculating a Fillet Weld
    3. Preparing to Apply Weld Features
    4. Applying Weld Features
      1. Adding a Fillet Weld and the End Fill Tool
      2. Adding a Groove Weld
      3. Adding a Cosmetic Weld and Weld Symbols
      4. Adding an Intermittent Fillet Weld
    5. Adding Machined Features to the Weldment
    6. Documenting Welds and Weldments
      1. Extracting the Physical Properties of the Beads
      2. Creating Weldment Drawings
  15. Chapter 13: Creating Images and Animation from Your Design Data
    1. Developing an Exploded View
      1. Using the Automated Technique
      2. Building One Step at a Time
      3. Controlling the Assembly Instructions
      4. Adding the Details
    2. Creating Renderings and Animations
      1. Creating a Still Image
    3. Building Options to Refine Scenes
      1. Customizing Appearance for Rendering
      2. Changing the Scenery
      3. Applying Different Lighting
      4. Adjusting the Camera Settings
    4. Making a Movie of the Assembly
      1. Creating the Timeline and Using the Camera
      2. Making the Components Move
      3. Animating an Assembly Relationship
      4. Rendering the Animation
  16. Chapter 14: Working with Non–Autodesk Inventor Data
    1. Exploring the Data Formats for Inventor Import and Export
    2. Working with AutoCAD Data
      1. Opening AutoCAD Data
      2. Importing AutoCAD Data
      3. Editing AutoCAD-Sourced Data
    3. Exchanging 3D Data
      1. Opening Neutral 3D Data
      2. Editing Imported Data
      3. Exporting Data for Rapid Prototyping
    4. Creating Content for Building Information Modeling
      1. Simplifying and Securing Your Design
      2. Authoring MEP Content
  17. Chapter 15: Automating the Design Process and Table-Driven Design
    1. Building a Table-Driven Product
      1. Creating a Named Parameter
      2. Linking Parameters to an External Source
      3. Building an iPart
      4. Working with an Assembly of iParts
      5. Converting an Assembly to an iAssembly
      6. Using an iAssembly
      7. Documenting an iPart and an iAssembly
    2. Expanding the Control Options
      1. Using a Parameter in Another Parameter
      2. Creating a Multivalue Parameter
      3. Accessing the iLogic Tools
      4. Creating a New Rule
      5. Linking the Parameters Through Rules
      6. Controlling Features Through Rules
      7. Making the Rules Easy to Use
  18. Appendix: Autodesk Inventor Certification
  19. Index

Product information

  • Title: Autodesk Inventor 2013 and Autodesk Inventor LT 2013 Essentials
  • Author(s): Thom Tremblay
  • Release date: June 2012
  • Publisher(s): Sybex
  • ISBN: 9781118244791