Writing the Software

With the basic functionality in place, it’s time to improve the program to be more useful. You’ll make the program more robust by adding a configuration file, expose the door state using a HTTP API, and send a Discord notification in case you forgot you left the door open at night.

Start by creating a directory for this new version, and initializing the Go module:

 $ ​​mkdir​​ ​​final
 $ ​​cd​​ ​​final
 $ ​​go​​ ​​mod​​ ​​init​​ ​​doorcheck
 go: creating new go.mod: module doorcheck

Now add the code to read a configuration file in yaml format. Use the external package yaml.v3[57] for this. Add the code to file config.go:

 package​ main
 import​ (

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