Use this index in conjunction with the Table of Contents. Acronyms are defined in italics. Listings are under the noun except where an expression is commonly used, in which case the listing is under the adjective (e.g., Kalman filter or multisensor navigation). When navigation is the noun, the listing is under the adjective or the navaid. Some expressions are listed only under the acronym (e.g., FIR, FANS, AGC). Page numbers lead the reader to the vicinity of the topic in the book but not necessarily to all pages on which the expression occurs.

A-6, 530, 538

A-200, 605

AAMP microprocessor, 247

Aberration, image, 566, 587

Aborted landing, see Bolter; Missed approach

Aborted takeoff, 7

Absolute position:

defined, 1, 114, 283

Absorption, see Atmosphere

Absorption ratio, 101

A/C aircraft


deck heave, 631

effect on gyro drift rate, 345

effect on oscillators, 233

GPS limit, 248

inertial equations, 365 ff

VG correction, 434436

See also Accelerometer; Vibration


bias estimation, 87

cross-coupling, 320, 323

description, 317324

electrolytic level, 429

error model, 323324

flexure pivot, 317, 319321

flight control, 324

floated, 320

hysteresis, 321

gravity level, 428429

micromachined, 321322

multiaxis, 323

pendulum, 319

PIGA, 323

pulse-rebalance, 326

rectification in, 323

testing, 324

thermal effects, 323

vibrating beam, 322

vibration effects, 320

Accident rate, autoland, 597598

Accuracy, see Error

ACID, aircraft identification code, 665, 675


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