How to do it...

  1. Create a new CloudFormation template and add the following Mappings. This is a list of all the latest OpenVPN AMIs in each region. We're adding these to maximize region portability for our templateyou can omit the regions you have no intention of using:
      Mappings:         AWSRegion2AMI: # Latest OpenVPN AMI at time of publishing: 2.1.4           us-east-1:             AMI: ami-bc3566ab           us-east-2:             AMI: ami-10306a75           us-west-2:             AMI: ami-d3e743b3           us-west-1:             AMI: ami-4a02492a           eu-west-1:             AMI: ami-f53d7386           eu-central-1:             AMI: ami-ad1fe6c2           ap-southeast-1:             AMI: ami-a859ffcb           ap-northeast-1:             AMI: ami-e9da7c88           ap-southeast-2:             AMI: ami-89477aea           sa-east-1:             AMI: ami-0c069b60
  1. We now need to define some Parameters. Firstly we'll need to know which ...

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