AWS Certified Developer Associate All-in-One Exam Guide (Exam DVA-C01)

Book description

This effective self-study system delivers complete coverage of every topic on the AWS Certified Developer Associate Exam

Take the challenging AWS Certified Developer Associate Exam with confidence using the comprehensive information contained in this effective test preparation guide. Written by an Amazon Web Services certified expert and experienced trainer, AWS Certified Developer Associate All-in-One Exam Guide (Exam DVA-C01) covers every subject on the exam and clearly explains how to create, deploy, migrate, monitor, and debug cloud-native applications. Designed to help you pass the exam with ease, this guide also serves as an ideal on-the-job reference.

Covers all topics on the exam, including:

  • Getting started with AWS Journey
  • AWS high availability and fault tolerance
  • Working with cloud storage
  • Authentication and authorization
  • Creating SQL and NoSQL databases in AWS Cloud
  • AWS application integration and management
  • Developing cloud-native applications in AWS
  • Building, deploying, and debugging cloud applications

Electronic content includes:

  • 130 practice questions
  • Test engine containing full-length practice exams and customizable quizzes

Table of contents

  1. Cover
  2. About the Author
  3. Title Page
  4. Copyright Page
  5. Dedication
  6. Contents at a Glance
  7. Contents
  8. Acknowledgments
  9. Introduction
  10. Part I Getting Started on the AWS Journey
    1. Chapter 1 Overview of Cloud Computing and AWS
      1. Cloud Computing Overview
        1. Cloud Computing Benefits
        2. Cloud Deployment Models: IaaS, STaaS, PaaS, DaaS, FaaS, SaaS
        3. Cloud Services Types: Public, Private, Hybrid, and Community
      2. AWS History
        1. AWS Regions and Availability Zones
        2. AWS Services
      3. AWS in Action
      4. Chapter Review
        1. Questions
        2. Answers
      5. Additional Resources
    2. Chapter 2 Interacting with AWS Using API, SDK, and CLI
      1. Create a New AWS Account
        1. Explore AWS Free Tiers
      2. AWS Management Console
      3. AWS Command Line Interface
        1. Installing and Setting Up a Profile in the AWS CLI
        2. Getting Help with CLI Commands
        3. Working with EC2 Key Pairs Using the AWS CLI
        4. Creating Security Groups Using the AWS CLI
        5. Launching an Instance Using the AWS CLI
        6. Creating an S3 Bucket Using the AWS CLI
      4. AWS Software Development Kit
        1. AWS SDK for Java 2.0
        2. AWS SDK for .NET
      5. AWS Tools for PowerShell
        1. In Windows
        2. On Linux and macOSX
      6. AWS Serverless Application Model
        1. Using the AWS SAM CLI
        2. Installing Docker on Linux
      7. AWS IDE Toolkits
        1. The AWS Toolkit for Eclipse
        2. The Toolkit for Visual Studio
        3. AWS Tools for Visual Studio Team Services
      8. Chapter Review
        1. Exercises
        2. Questions
        3. Answers
      9. Additional Resources
    3. Chapter 3 Networking Using Amazon Virtual Private Cloud
      1. Amazon Virtual Private Cloud
        1. Subnets
        2. Route Tables
        3. Network Access Control Lists
        4. Security Groups
        5. Internet Gateways
        6. Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol Option Sets
        7. Elastic Internet Protocols
        8. Endpoints
        9. Network Address Translation Devices
        10. Egress-Only Internet Gateways
        11. Peering Connections
        12. Virtual Private Gateways
        13. Customer Gateways
        14. Site-to-Site Virtual Private Network
        15. Point-to-Site Virtual Private Network
        16. Direct Connect
        17. Transit Gateways
      2. Chapter Review
        1. Exercises
        2. Questions
        3. Answers
      3. Additional Resources
    4. Chapter 4 Creating a Virtual Machine Using Amazon EC2
      1. Elastic Compute Cloud
      2. Amazon Machine Image
        1. Bundle Tasks
        2. Root Device Types
        3. The AWS Marketplace
        4. AMIs Generated from Existing Instances
      3. Tenancy Options
        1. Shared Tenancy
        2. Dedicated Tenancy
      4. Instance Types
        1. General Purpose
        2. Compute Optimized
        3. Memory Optimized
        4. Storage Optimized
        5. Accelerated Computing
      5. Pricing Model for EC2
        1. On-Demand
        2. Spot Instances
        3. Reserved Instances
        4. Dedicated Hosts
      6. EC2 Instance Virtualization Types
        1. HVM AMIs
        2. PV AMIs
      7. Storage Options for Amazon EC2
        1. Instance Store–Backed Instances
        2. Amazon EBS–Backed Instances
      8. The EC2 Instance Lifecycle
        1. Launching
        2. Bootstrapping
        3. VM Import/Export
        4. Instance Recovery
        5. Instance Metadata
        6. Instance Stop and Restart
        7. Instance Hibernate
        8. Instance Reboot
        9. Instance Retirement
        10. Instance Termination
      9. Generating Security Keys
      10. Launching an Amazon EC2
        1. Creating an Amazon EC2 Instance
        2. Connecting to the Amazon EC2 Instance Using SSH
        3. Connecting to an Amazon EC2 Instance Using a PuTTY Session
      11. Security Groups that Protect the Instances
      12. Best Practices for Amazon EC2
      13. Chapter Review
        1. Exercises
        2. Questions
        3. Answers
      14. Additional Resources
  11. Part II AWS High Availability and Fault Tolerance
    1. Chapter 5 Elastic Load Balancing and Auto Scaling
      1. Elastic Load Balancing
      2. Types of Elastic Load Balancers
        1. Application Load Balancer
        2. Network Load Balancer
        3. Classic Load Balancer
      3. Elastic Load Balancing Concepts
        1. Load Balancer Subnets
        2. Load Balancer Security Groups
        3. Load Balancer States
        4. Deletion Protection
        5. Connection Idle Timeout
      4. Load Balancer Listeners
        1. Listener Configuration
        2. Listener Rules
        3. Rule Condition Types
      5. Load Balancer Target Groups
        1. Routing Configuration
        2. Target Type
        3. Registered Targets
        4. Deregistration Delay
        5. Slow Start Mode
        6. Sticky Sessions
      6. Load Balancer Monitoring
      7. Elastic Load Balancer Best Practices
      8. Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling
        1. Advantages of Auto Scaling
        2. The EC2 Auto Scaling Lifecycle
        3. Scale Out and In
        4. Attach and Detach
        5. Lifecycle Hooks
        6. Enter and Exit Standby
      9. Launch Templates
      10. Launch Configurations
      11. Auto Scaling Groups
        1. Scaling the Size
      12. Maintaining the Number of Instances
        1. Manual Scaling
        2. Scheduled Scaling
        3. Dynamic Scaling
        4. Cooldown Period
      13. Monitoring Auto Scaling Groups
      14. Chapter Review
        1. Exercises
        2. Questions
        3. Answers
      15. Additional Resources
    2. Chapter 6 Distributing the Contents via AWS CloudFront
      1. Amazon CloudFront
      2. CloudFront Origin Servers
      3. CloudFront Pricing
      4. Regional Edge Caches
        1. Adding Content
        2. Removing Content
      5. Securing Content
        1. HTTPS with CloudFront
        2. Restrict Access in the Origin
        3. Restrict Access in Edge Caches
        4. Signed URLs and Signed Cookies
        5. Origin Access Identity
        6. AWS WAF to Control Access
        7. Restricting Geographic Distribution
        8. Field-Level Encryption
      6. CloudFront Distributions
        1. Distribution Contents
        2. Origins for Web Distributions
      7. Alternate Domain Names
      8. WebSocket Protocol
      9. Optimizing Content Caching
        1. Cache Hit Ratio
        2. Cache Lifetime
        3. Query String Parameters
        4. Caching Based on Cookie Values
        5. Caching Based on Request Headers
      10. Content Expiration at the Edge Cache
      11. CloudFront Origin Groups
      12. Domain Fronting
      13. Custom Error Pages
        1. Request and Response Behavior
      14. Lambda@Edge
      15. Chapter Review
        1. Exercises
        2. Questions
        3. Answers
      16. Additional Resources
    3. Chapter 7 Domain Name System and Amazon Route 53
      1. Domain Name System
        1. How DNS Works
        2. Domain Names
        3. Name Servers
        4. DNS Resolution
        5. DNS Records and Zone Files
        6. Types of DNS Records
      2. Amazon Route 53
      3. Route 53 Concepts
      4. Domain Registration
      5. Routing Traffic
      6. Hosted Zones
        1. Public Hosted Zone
        2. Private Hosted Zone
        3. Split-View DNS
        4. Routing Traffic for Subdomains
      7. Choosing a Routing Policy
        1. Simple Routing
        2. Failover Routing
        3. Geolocation Routing
        4. Geoproximity Routing
        5. Latency-Based Routing
        6. Multivalue Answer Routing
        7. Weighted Routing
      8. Amazon Route 53 Health Checks
      9. Chapter Review
        1. Exercises
        2. Questions
        3. Answers
      10. Additional Resources
  12. Part III Working with Cloud Storage
    1. Chapter 8 Working with Simple Storage Service
      1. Amazon Simple Storage Service
      2. Buckets
      3. Creating a Bucket
        1. Accessing Your Bucket
      4. Bucket Configuration Options
        1. Cross-Origin Resource Sharing
        2. Cross-Region Replication
        3. Amazon S3 Event Notifications
        4. Amazon S3 Transfer Acceleration
        5. Billing and Usage Reporting for S3 Buckets
      5. Requester Pays Buckets
        1. Static Website on Amazon S3
        2. Amazon S3 Server Access Logging
      6. Folders
      7. Objects
        1. Object Key and Metadata
      8. Storage Classes
        1. General-Purpose Amazon S3 Standard
        2. Unknown or Changing Access: Amazon S3 Intelligent-Tiering
        3. Infrequent Access: Amazon S3 Standard-Infrequent Access
        4. Amazon S3 One Zone-Infrequent Access
        5. Archive: Amazon S3 Glacier
        6. Amazon S3 Glacier Deep Archive
      9. Object Lifecycle Management
        1. Lifecycle Transitions
        2. Configuring Object Expiration
      10. Object Versioning
      11. Identity and Access Management in Amazon S3
      12. Operations on Objects
        1. Getting Objects
        2. Uploading Objects
        3. Copying Objects
        4. Listing Object Keys
        5. Deleting Objects
        6. Selecting Content from Objects
        7. Restoring Archived Objects
      13. Data Protection in Amazon S3
        1. Access Control Lists
        2. Amazon S3 Object Lock
        3. Retention Periods
        4. Legal Holds
      14. Best Practices for Amazon S3
      15. Chapter Review
        1. Exercises
        2. Questions
        3. Answers
      16. Additional Resources
    2. Chapter 9 Amazon EBS, Amazon EFS, and Amazon S3 Glacier
      1. Amazon Elastic Block Store
      2. Create an Amazon EBS Volume
      3. Working with Amazon EBS Volume
        1. Detach an Amazon EBS Volume
        2. Delete an Amazon EBS Volume
      4. Monitor Amazon EBS Volumes
      5. Amazon EBS Snapshots
        1. Multivolume Snapshots
        2. Delete an Amazon EBS Snapshot
        3. Copy an Amazon EBS Snapshot
        4. Amazon EBS Snapshot Lifecycle
      6. Amazon EBS Elastic Volumes
      7. Amazon EBS Encryption
        1. Key Management
        2. Restoring and Copying Snapshots
      8. RAID Configuration on Linux
      9. Amazon EBS Metrics
      10. Amazon EBS Best Practices
      11. Amazon Elastic File System
      12. Amazon EFS with Amazon EC2
      13. Amazon EFS with AWS Direct Connect and VPN
      14. Data Consistency
      15. Storage Classes
      16. Amazon EFS Backup
      17. Amazon EFS Encryption
      18. Lifecycle Policy
      19. Monitoring Amazon EFS
      20. Amazon EFS Performance
      21. Amazon EFS Best Practices
      22. Amazon S3 Glacier
        1. Vault
        2. Archives
        3. Jobs
        4. Notification Configuration
      23. Glacier Operations
        1. Creating and Deleting Vaults
        2. Archive Operations
        3. Data Retrieval Policy
      24. Vault Lock
      25. Data Protection
      26. Logging and Monitoring
      27. Chapter Review
        1. Exercises
        2. Questions
        3. Answers
      28. Additional Resources
  13. Part IV Authentication and Authorization
    1. Chapter 10 Securing AWS Resources with Identity and Access Management
      1. Identity and Access Management
      2. Users
        1. Users and Credentials
      3. Password: Configure a Strong Password Policy
      4. Multifactor Authentication
      5. Groups
      6. IAM Roles
        1. AWS Service Role
        2. AWS Service-Linked Role
        3. Role Chaining
        4. Delegation
        5. Federation
        6. Role for Cross-Account Access
      7. Policies and Permissions
        1. IAM Policy Types
        2. Permissions Boundaries
      8. IAM Policy
        1. IAM Policy Structure
        2. IAM Policy Versioning
      9. IAM Best Practices
      10. Chapter Review
        1. Exercises
        2. Questions
        3. Answers
      11. Additional Resources
    2. Chapter 11 Web Identity Federation and Amazon Cognito for User Authentication
      1. Identity Federation and Providers
      2. Web Identity Federation
      3. Amazon Cognito
        1. Cognito User Pools
        2. Identity Pools
        3. Amazon Cognito Sync
        4. Amazon Cognito for Mobile Apps
      4. Federating Users with SAML 2.0
      5. Session Policies
      6. Chapter Review
        1. Exercises
        2. Questions
        3. Answers
      7. Additional Resources
    3. Chapter 12 Protecting Your Data Using Server-Side and Client-Side Encryption
      1. Data Protection
      2. Server-Side Encryption
        1. Server-Side Encryption with Customer-Managed Keys in KMS
        2. Server-Side Encryption with Amazon S3–Managed Encryption Keys
        3. Server-Side Encryption with Customer-Provided Encryption Keys
      3. Client-Side Encryption
        1. CMK Stored in AWS KMS
        2. Master Key Stored in the Application
      4. Command-Line Encryption and Decryption
        1. Encrypt a File
        2. Decrypt a File
      5. Data Protection Best Practices
      6. Chapter Review
        1. Exercises
        2. Questions
        3. Answers
      7. Additional Resources
  14. Part V Creating SQL and NoSQL Database in AWS Cloud
    1. Chapter 13 AWS Relational Database Services
      1. Amazon Relational Database Service
      2. High Availability (Multi-AZ)
        1. Multi-AZ Failover Process
      3. The Amazon RDS Lifecycle
        1. Modify
        2. Maintain
        3. Upgrade
        4. Rename
        5. Reboot
        6. Stop
        7. Start
        8. Delete
      4. Read Replicas
        1. Create a Read Replica
        2. Promote a Read Replica
        3. Monitor Read Replication
      5. Option Groups
      6. DB Parameter Groups
      7. Storage
      8. Billing
      9. Backups
      10. Snapshots
      11. Security
        1. Encryption
      12. Monitoring
      13. Amazon Resource Names
      14. Tagging
      15. Best Practices
      16. Chapter Review
        1. Exercise
        2. Questions
        3. Answers
      17. Additional Resources
    2. Chapter 14 AWS NoSQL Database Service: Amazon DynamoDB
      1. Amazon DynamoDB
      2. Data Types
      3. Control Plane Operations
      4. Data Plane Operations
      5. SQL vs. NoSQL
      6. DynamoDB Transactions
        1. Read Consistency
        2. Read/Write Capacity Mode
        3. Isolation Levels
      7. DynamoDB Accelerator
        1. DAX Components
        2. DAX Read
        3. DAX LRU
        4. DAX Cluster and Nodes
        5. DAX Control
        6. DAX Write
        7. DAX Encryption
      8. Auto-Scaling
      9. Data Distribution
      10. DynamoDB Local
      11. DynamoDB Web
      12. Secondary Indexes
      13. DynamoDB Stream
      14. Backup and Recovery
      15. DynamoDB Global Tables
      16. NoSQL Workbench
      17. Data Protection
      18. Maintenance Window
      19. Logging and Monitoring
      20. Infrastructure Security
      21. Security Best Practices
      22. Chapter Review
        1. Exercises
        2. Questions
        3. Answers
      23. Additional Resources
  15. Part VI AWS Application Integration and Management
    1. Chapter 15 Amazon Simple Queue Service and Simple Notification Service
      1. Amazon Simple Queue Service
      2. Amazon SQS Architecture
        1. Queue Lifecycle
        2. Standard Queues
        3. First In/First Out Queues
        4. Short Polling
        5. Long Polling
        6. Dead-Letter Queues
        7. Visibility Timeout
        8. Inflight Messages
        9. Delay Queues
        10. Temporary Queues
        11. Virtual Queues
        12. Message Timers
        13. Large Messages
      3. Data Encryption
        1. Virtual Private Cloud Endpoints
        2. Logging
        3. Monitoring
      4. Amazon Simple Notification Service
      5. Amazon SNS Architecture
        1. Fanout
        2. Alerts
        3. Push Message
        4. Push Notifications
        5. Message Durability
        6. Message Delivery Status
        7. Message Delivery Retries
        8. Delivery Policies
        9. Creating a Delivery Policy
        10. Dead-Letter Queues
        11. Message Attributes
        12. Message Filtering
        13. Tags
        14. Data Encryption
        15. Logging
        16. Monitoring
        17. Infrastructure Security
      6. Chapter Review
        1. Exercises
        2. Questions
        3. Answers
      7. Additional Resources
    2. Chapter 16 Amazon Simple Workflow Service, Amazon API Gateway, and AWS Step Functions
      1. Amazon Simple Workflow Service
        1. Development Environment
        2. Tags
        3. Monitoring
        4. Logging
      2. Amazon API Gateway
        1. REST API
        2. API with Lambda Integration
        3. Create a REST API
      3. AWS Step Functions
        1. Standard Workflows
        2. Express Workflows
        3. Standard vs. Express Workflows
        4. Step Functions Local
        5. Tagging
        6. Monitoring
        7. Logging
        8. Security
      4. Chapter Review
        1. Exercises
        2. Questions
        3. Answers
      5. Additional Resources
    3. Chapter 17 Monitoring Using Amazon CloudWatch, AWS CloudTrail, and AWS Config
      1. Amazon CloudWatch
        1. Metrics
        2. CloudWatch Agent
        3. Data Protection
        4. Logging
      2. AWS CloudTrail
        1. The CloudTrail Lifecycle
        2. Control Access
        3. AWS CloudTrail Security
      3. AWS Config
        1. Security Analysis
        2. Resource Configuration
        3. Managing AWS Config
        4. AWS Config Managed and Custom Rules
        5. Monitoring AWS Config
      4. Chapter Review
        1. Exercises
        2. Questions
        3. Answers
      5. Additional Resources
    4. Chapter 18 Infrastructure as Code Using AWS CloudFormation
      1. AWS CloudFormation
        1. Templates
        2. Stacks
        3. Change Sets
        4. Export
        5. AWS CloudFormation Registry
      2. Chapter Review
        1. Exercise
        2. Questions
        3. Answers
      3. Additional Resources
  16. Part VII Developing Cloud Native Applications in AWS
    1. Chapter 19 Developing Serverless Applications with Lambda
      1. AWS Lambda
        1. AWS Lambda Functions
        2. AWS Lambda Applications
        3. AWS Lambda Layers
        4. AWS Lambda Security
      2. Chapter Review
        1. Exercise
        2. Questions
        3. Answers
      3. Additional Resources
    2. Chapter 20 Deploying a Static Website on Amazon S3 Bucket
      1. Amazon S3
      2. Deploy a Static Website Using Amazon S3
      3. Deploy a Static Website Using Amazon S3 and Amazon Route 53
      4. Deploy a Static Website Using Amazon S3, Amazon Route 53, and Amazon CloudFront
      5. Chapter Review
        1. Exercise
        2. Questions
        3. Answers
      6. Additional Resources
    3. Chapter 21 Deploying a Web Application Using AWS Elastic Beanstalk
      1. AWS Elastic Beanstalk
      2. Deploy an Application in AWS Elastic Beanstalk
      3. Migrate and Deploy an Application to AWS Elastic Beanstalk
      4. Chapter Review
        1. Exercise
        2. Questions
        3. Answers
      5. Additional Resources
    4. Chapter 22 Migrating Your Application and Database to AWS
      1. AWS Migration
      2. Application Migration
        1. AWS Server Migration Service
      3. Database Migration
      4. Chapter Review
        1. Exercises
        2. Questions
        3. Answers
      5. Additional Resources
  17. Part VIII Building, Deploying, and Debugging Cloud Applications
    1. Chapter 23 Hosting Secure Repositories Using AWS CodeCommit
      1. AWS CodeCommit
      2. Chapter Review
        1. Exercises
        2. Questions
        3. Answers
      3. Additional Resources
    2. Chapter 24 Building an Application Using AWS CodeBuild
      1. AWS CodeBuild
        1. Build Projects
        2. Build Environment
      2. Working with AWS CodeBuild
      3. Test Reporting
      4. Chapter Review
        1. Exercises
        2. Questions
        3. Answers
      5. Additional Resources
    3. Chapter 25 Deploying Applications Using CodeDeploy and CodePipeline
      1. AWS CodeDeploy
      2. AWS CodePipeline
      3. Chapter Review
        1. Exercises
        2. Questions
        3. Answers
      4. Additional Resources
    4. Chapter 26 Building a Scalable and Fault-Tolerant CI/CD Pipeline
      1. CI/CD Pipeline
      2. Chapter Review
        1. Exercises
        2. Questions
        3. Answers
      3. Additional Resources
  18. Part IX Appendixes and Acronyms and Glossary
    1. Appendix A AWS Certified Developer - Associate Exam Objective Map (DVA-C01)
    2. Appendix B About the Online Content
      1. System Requirements
      2. Your Total Seminars Training Hub Account
        1. Privacy Notice
      3. Single User License Terms and Conditions
      4. TotalTester Online
      5. Technical Support
  19. Acronyms and Glossary
  20. Index

Product information

  • Title: AWS Certified Developer Associate All-in-One Exam Guide (Exam DVA-C01)
  • Author(s): Kamesh Ganesan
  • Release date: November 2020
  • Publisher(s): McGraw-Hill
  • ISBN: 9781260460186