AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate All-in-One Exam Guide, Second Edition (Exam SAA-C02), 2nd Edition

Book description

This up-to-date study guide offers 100% coverage of every objective for the current version of the AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional exam

Get complete coverage of all objectives included on the SAA-C02 exam from this comprehensive resource. Written by an expert AWS Solutions Architect and well-respected author, this authoritative guide fully addresses the knowledge and skills required for passing the AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Associate exam. You’ll find learning objectives at the beginning of each chapter, exam tips, practice exam questions, and in-depth explanations. You’ll also build your practical knowledge with the many hands-on labs found throughout this guide. Designed to help you pass the exam with ease, this definitive volume also serves as an essential on-the-job reference.

Covers all exam domains, including:

  • Design Resilient Architectures
  • Design High-Performing Architectures
  • Design Secure Applications and Architectures
  • Design Cost-Optimized Architectures
Online content includes:
  • 130 practice exam questions
  • Test engine that provides practice exams or quizzes that can be customized by chapter or exam objective

Table of contents

  1. Cover
  2. About the Author
  3. Title Page
  4. Copyright Page
  5. Dedication
  6. Contents at a Glance
  7. Contents
  8. Acknowledgments
  9. Introduction
  10. Chapter 1 Overview of Cloud Computing and Amazon Web Services
    1. Advantages of Running Cloud Computing on AWS
      1. Three Models of Cloud Computing
      2. Three Cloud Computing Deployment Models
    2. History of AWS
    3. AWS Global Infrastructure
    4. AWS Security and Compliance
    5. AWS Products and Services
      1. Compute
      2. Networking
      3. Security and Compliance
      4. Storage and Content Delivery
      5. Database
      6. Analytics
      7. Application Services
      8. Developer Tools
      9. Management Tools
      10. Messaging
      11. Migration
      12. Artificial Intelligence
      13. Internet of Things
      14. Mobile Services
    6. Chapter Review
      1. Questions
      2. Answers
  11. Chapter 2 Storage on AWS
    1. Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3)
    2. Advantages of Amazon S3
    3. Usage of Amazon S3 in Real Life
    4. Amazon S3 Basic Concepts
    5. Amazon S3 Data Consistency Model
    6. Amazon S3 Performance Considerations
    7. Reverse the Key Name String
    8. Adding a Hex Hash Prefix to a Key Name
    9. Encryption in Amazon S3
    10. Amazon S3 Access Control
      1. Access Policies
      2. Bucket Policies
      3. Access Control List
      4. S3 Security Best Practices
    11. Amazon S3 Storage Class
      1. Versioning of Objects in Amazon S3
      2. Amazon S3 Object Lifecycle Management
      3. Amazon S3 Replication
    12. Static Web Site Hosting in Amazon S3
    13. Amazon S3 Glacier
      1. Amazon S3 Glacier Key Terminology
      2. Accessing Amazon S3 Glacier
      3. Uploading Files to AmazonS3 Glacier
      4. Retrieving Files from Amazon S3 Glacier
    14. Amazon Elastic Block Store
      1. Features of Amazon EBS
      2. AWS Block Storage Offerings
    15. Amazon Elastic File System
      1. Using Amazon Elastic File System
      2. Performance Mode of Amazon EFS
    16. On-Premise Storage Integration with AWS
      1. AWS Storage Gateway
      2. AWS Snowball and AWS Snowball Edge
      3. AWS Snowmobile
    17. Chapter Review
      1. Lab 2-1: Creating, Moving, and Deleting Objects in Amazon S3
      2. Lab 2-2: Using Version Control in Amazon S3
      3. Lab 2-3: Using the Bucket Policy Generator for Amazon S3
      4. Questions
      5. Answers
  12. Chapter 3 Virtual Private Cloud
    1. Amazon VPC Components and Terminology
      1. Amazon VPC
      2. Subnet
      3. Route Table
      4. Internet Gateway
      5. Network Address Translation
      6. Egress-Only Internet Gateway
      7. Elastic Network Interface
      8. Enhanced Networking (Linux Only)
      9. Elastic IP Address
      10. Network Security
      11. Amazon VPC Peering
      12. Amazon VPC Endpoint
      13. Transit Gateway
      14. DNS and VPC
      15. DHCP Option Sets
      16. Connecting to a VPC
      17. VPC Flow Logs
    2. Default VPC
    3. Labs on VPC
      1. Lab 3-1: Using the VPC Wizard
      2. Lab 3-2: Creating a VPC with Public and Private Subnets
      3. Lab 3-3: Exploring All the Options in a Virtual Private Cloud
    4. Chapter Review
      1. Questions
      2. Answers
  13. Chapter 4 Introduction to Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud
    1. Benefits of Amazon EC2
    2. Amazon EC2 Instance Types and Features
      1. General Purpose (T3, T3a, T2, M6g, M5, M5a, M5n, M4, and A1)
      2. Compute Optimized (C6g, C5, C5a, C5n, and C4)
      3. Memory Optimized (R6g, R5, R5a, R5n, R4, X1e, X1, High Memory, and Z1d)
      4. Storage Optimized (I3, I3en, D2, and H1)
      5. Accelerated Computing (P3, P2, Inf1, G4, G3, and F1)
      6. Processor Features
      7. Network Features
      8. Storage Features
    3. Steps for Using Amazon EC2
    4. Pricing for Amazon EC2
      1. On-Demand Instance
      2. Reserved Instance
      3. Spot Instance
    5. Shared Tenancy, Dedicated Hosts, and Dedicated Instances
      1. Shared Tenancy
      2. Dedicated Host
      3. Dedicated Instance
    6. Instances and AMIs
      1. Instance Root Volume
      2. Obtaining an AMI
    7. Virtualization in AMI
      1. HVM AMI
      2. PV AMI
    8. Instance Life Cycle
      1. Launch
      2. Start and Stop
      3. Reboot
      4. Termination
      5. Retirement
    9. Connecting to an Instance
    10. Security Group
    11. Amazon Elastic Container Service
      1. Lab 4-1: Using EC2
      2. Creating a New Key Pair
      3. Launching a Web Server Instance
      4. Browsing the Web Server
      5. Lab 4-2: Creating an EBS Instance and Attaching It to an EC2 Instance
      6. Lab 4-3: Creating an Elastic File System (EFS) and Mounting Across Two EC2 Instances in Different AZs
    12. Chapter Review
      1. Questions
      2. Answers
  14. Chapter 5 Identity and Access Management and Security on AWS
    1. Authentication
    2. Authorization
    3. Auditing
    4. Types of Security Credentials
      1. Temporary Security Credentials
    5. Users
    6. Groups
    7. Roles
    8. IAM Hierarchy of Privileges
    9. IAM Best Practices
      1. Use the IAM User
      2. Create a Strong Password Policy
      3. Rotate Security Credentials Regularly
      4. Enable MFA
      5. Manage Permissions with Groups
      6. Grant the Least Privileges
      7. Use IAM Roles
      8. Use IAM Roles for Amazon EC2 Instances
      9. Use IAM Policy Conditions for Extra Security
      10. Enable AWS CloudTrail
    10. AWS Compliance Program
      1. Shared Responsibility Model
        1. AWS Responsibility
        2. Customer’s Responsibility
      2. AWS Security Products and Services
        1. Resource Access Manager
        2. AWS Secrets Manager
        3. Amazon GuardDuty
        4. Amazon Inspector
        5. Amazon Macie
        6. AWS Certificate Manager
        7. AWS Web Application Firewall
        8. AWS Shield
        9. AWS CloudHSM
        10. AWS KMS
        11. Lab 5-1: Creating IAM Users, Groups, and Roles
        12. Managing IAM User Permissions and Credentials
      3. IAM Roles for Amazon EC2
      4. Chapter Review
        1. Questions
        2. Answers
  15. Chapter 6 Auto Scaling
    1. Benefits of Auto Scaling
    2. Scaling Plan
      1. Identify Scalable Resources
      2. Specify Scaling Strategy
    3. Using EC2 Auto Scaling
      1. Launch Configuration
      2. Auto Scaling Groups
      3. Termination Policy
    4. Elastic Load Balancing
      1. How ELB Works
      2. Types of Load Balancers
    5. Load Balancer Key Concepts and Terminology
      1. Health Check
      2. Using Multiple AZs
      3. Lab 6-1: Set Up Auto Scaling
    6. Chapter Review
      1. Questions
      2. Answers
  16. Chapter 7 Deploying and Monitoring Applications on AWS
    1. AWS Lambda
      1. Is AWS Lambda Really Serverless?
      2. Understanding AWS Lambda
    2. Amazon API Gateway
      1. API Types Supported by API Gateway
      2. Benefits of Amazon API Gateway
    3. Amazon Kinesis
      1. Real-Time Application Scenarios
      2. Differences Between Batch and Stream Processing
    4. Amazon Kinesis Data Steams
      1. Benefits of Amazon Kinesis Data Streams
    5. Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose
      1. Benefits of Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose
    6. Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics
      1. Benefits of Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics
      2. Use Cases for Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics
    7. Amazon Kinesis Video Streams
    8. Reference Architectures Using Serverless Services
      1. Real-Time File Processing
      2. Real-Time Stream Processing
      3. Extract, Transformation, and Load (ETL) Processing
      4. IoT Back Ends
    9. Amazon CloudFront
      1. Amazon CloudFront Key Concepts
      2. Geo Restriction
      3. Error Handling
    10. Amazon Route 53
    11. AWS Web Application Firewall
    12. Amazon Shield
      1. Benefits of AWS Shield
    13. Amazon Simple Queue Service
    14. Amazon Simple Notification Service
    15. AWS Step Functions and Amazon Simple Workflow (SWF)
    16. AWS Elastic Beanstalk
    17. AWS OpsWorks
    18. Amazon Cognito
    19. Amazon Elastic MapReduce
    20. AWS CloudFormation
    21. Monitoring in AWS
    22. Amazon CloudWatch
      1. Metrics Collection and Tracking
      2. Capture Real-Time Changes Using Amazon CloudWatch Events
      3. Monitoring and Storing Logs
      4. Set Alarms
      5. View Graphs and Statistics
    23. AWS CloudTrail
    24. AWS Config
    25. Amazon VPC Flow Logs
    26. AWS Trusted Advisor
    27. AWS Organizations
    28. Chapter Review
      1. Questions
      2. Answers
  17. Chapter 8 Databases on AWS
    1. Understanding Relational Databases
    2. Understanding the Amazon Relational Database Service
      1. Scenario 1: Hosting the Database in Your Data Center On-Premises
      2. Scenario 2: Hosting the Database on Amazon EC2 Servers
      3. Scenario 3: Hosting the Database Using Amazon RDS
    3. Hosting a Database in Amazon EC2 vs. Amazon RDS
    4. High Availability on Amazon RDS
      1. Simplest Architecture: Single-AZ Deployment
      2. High Availability: Multiple AZs
    5. Scaling on Amazon RDS
      1. Changing the Instance Type
      2. Read Replica
    6. Security on Amazon RDS
      1. Amazon VPC and Amazon RDS
    7. Backups, Restores, and Snapshots
    8. Monitoring
    9. Amazon Aurora
    10. Amazon Redshift
      1. Benefits of Amazon Redshift
      2. Amazon Redshift Architecture
      3. Sizing Amazon Redshift Clusters
      4. Networking for Amazon Redshift
      5. Encryption
      6. Security
      7. Backup and Restore
      8. Data Loading in Amazon Redshift
      9. Data Distribution in Amazon Redshift
    11. Amazon DynamoDB
      1. Benefits of Amazon DynamoDB
      2. Amazon DynamoDB Terminology
      3. Secondary Index
      4. Consistency Model
      5. Global Table
      6. Amazon DynamoDB Streams
      7. Amazon DynamoDB Accelerator
      8. Encryption and Security
    12. Amazon ElastiCache
    13. Amazon Neptune
      1. Benefits of Amazon Neptune
      2. Amazon Neptune Use Cases
    14. Amazon DocumentDB
      1. Benefits of Amazon DocumentDB
      2. Amazon DocumentDB Use Cases
        1. Lab 8-1: RDS: Creating an Amazon Aurora Database
        2. Lab 8-2: Taking a Snapshot of a Database
        3. Lab 8-3: Creating an Amazon Redshift Cluster
        4. Lab 8-4: Creating an Amazon DynamoDB Table
      3. Chapter Review
        1. Questions
        2. Answers
  18. Chapter 9 AWS Well-Architected Framework and Best Practices
    1. Operational Excellence
      1. Prepare
      2. Operate
      3. Evolve
    2. Security
      1. Have a Strong Identity Foundation
      2. Enable Traceability
      3. Implement Security at All Layers
      4. Secure the Data
      5. Automate for Security
      6. Plan for Security Events
      7. Best Practices
    3. Performance
      1. Performance Efficiency
    4. Reliability
      1. Best Practices
    5. Cost Optimization Pillar
      1. Finding Cost-Effective Resources
      2. Matching Supply with Demand
      3. Being Aware of Expenditures
      4. Optimizing Over Time
    6. AWS Best Practices
      1. Design for Failures
      2. Build Security in Every Layer
      3. Leverage Multiple Storage Options
      4. Implement Elasticity
      5. Think Parallel
      6. Loosely Couple Your Architecture
      7. There Are No Constraints in the AWS Cloud
    7. Chapter Review
      1. Questions
      2. Answers
  19. Appendix A  Objective Map
    1. Exam SAA-C02
  20. Appendix B  Additional Resources
    1. Whitepapers
    2. AWS re:Invent Videos
  21. Appendix C  About the Online Content
    1. System Requirements
    2. Your Total Seminars Training Hub Account
    3. Privacy Notice
    4. Single User License Terms and Conditions
    5. TotalTester Online
    6. Technical Support
  22. Acronyms and Glossary
    1. Acronyms
    2. Glossary
  23. Index

Product information

  • Title: AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate All-in-One Exam Guide, Second Edition (Exam SAA-C02), 2nd Edition
  • Author(s): Joyjeet Banerjee
  • Release date: January 2021
  • Publisher(s): McGraw-Hill
  • ISBN: 9781260470192