AWS Redshift Data Platform Fundamentals

Video description

Enterprise organizations are continually shifting to innovative cloud services that will provide them with a rapid, efficient, scalable and industry leading solution.

Amazon Redshift is a petabyte scale data platform as a Service (PaaS) that delivers high performance enterprise focused data services that are hosted and are fully scalable solutions without placing a massive investment in your enterprise infrastructure.

Amazon Redshift also provides robust access to a variety of data analytics tools, compliance features, integration with other AWS services and even artificial intelligence/ machine learning applications that allow customers numerous opportunities to derive value with their current business intelligence tools.

In this course you will learn everything you need to know to get started using Amazon Redshift to deploy a data warehouse/data lake and provide immediate value for your enterprise.

What you’ll learn and how you can apply it

  • Understand why data warehouses are so critical to enterprise organizations and how Amazon Redshift provides immediate value for enterprises that use it.
  • Identify the critical differences between a traditional enterprise data warehouse and Amazon Redshift.
  • Learn the Column-Oriented file system structures and the database options available with Amazon Redshift.
  • Learn how to determine proper enterprises use cases for using AWS Redshift focused on uses such as ETL, Data Transformation, Data Mining, Data Lakes and Business Intelligence.
  • Describe AWS enterprise best practices for cloud security, networking, and IAM with Amazon Redshift.
  • Learn the critical components and the essential features of AWS Redshift (Query Editor, Optimizer, Spectrum)
  • Understand schemas, structures, SQL options, monitoring options, etc. with Amazon Redshift.
  • Determine the proper node and cluster deployment option(s) for your Amazon Redshift requirements.
  • Understand the options for connecting to the data warehouse and for querying the data warehouse.

This course is for you because…

  • You need to understand how to simplify a data warehouse infrastructure with AWS.
  • You're an aspiring data engineer, database architect, cloud developer, cloud architect, or other technical professional that wants to get started with Amazon Redshift.
  • You work with AWS services daily and would like to integrate with other AWS or Partner services with AWS Redshift successfully.
  • You want to obtain an AWS Specialty Certification and would like to obtain knowledge and practice around Amazon Redshift for the AWS Certified Database or Data Analytics Specialty exams. This course will help with those certification since it covers over 15% of the exam objectives.


  • 6 Months of AWS “Hands on Experience” with AWS Services would be advisable.
  • Basic SQL Database “Hands on Experience” around relational database is needed.
  • An AWS Paid Account to be able to perform the exercises and following along with the demonstrations. Some of the services with Amazon Redshift would not be fully covered with an AWS Free Tier account.

Table of contents

  1. Course Introduction
  2. Module 1: Data Warehouse Fundamentals
    1. Lesson 1.1: Module 1 Overview
    2. Lesson 1.2: Data Warehouse Concepts and Use Cases
    3. Lesson 1.3: Data Warehouse Terminology
  3. Module 2: AWS Cloud Platform Fundamentals
    1. Lesson 2.1: Module 2 Overview
    2. Lesson 2.2: AWS Cloud Platform Overview
    3. Lesson 2.3: AWS Data Services
    4. Lesson 2.4: Access Redshift via AWS Console (Demo)
    5. Lesson 2.5: AWS Free Tier Demonstration
  4. Module 3: AWS Redshift Data Warehouse Fundamentals
    1. Lesson 3.1: Module 3 Overview
    2. Lesson 3.2: AWS Redshift Concepts
    3. Lesson 3.3: AWS Redshift Benefits and Limitations
    4. Lesson 3.4: AWS Redshift Use Cases
    5. Lesson 3.5: AWS Redshift Need to Know Terminology
    6. Lesson 3.6: AWS Components, Cluster, and Node Options
    7. Lesson 3.7: AWS Redshift Architecture (Whiteboard Demo)
    8. Lesson 3.8: What is Query Optimization?
    9. Lesson 3.9: Understanding Column-Oriented Structures
    10. Lesson 3.10: Using SQL DemoBench Demo
  5. Module 4: AWS Redshift Deployment Options
    1. Lesson 4.1: Module 4 Overview
    2. Lesson 4.2: Determine the Best AWS Redshift Cluster Regions and AZs
    3. Lesson 4.3: Determine the Proper Node Types
    4. Lesson 4.4: Deploy an AWS Redshift Cluster (Demo)
    5. Lesson 4.5: Understanding Backup and Recovery (Demo)
  6. Module 5: AWS Redshift Security and IAM Management
    1. Lesson 5.1: Module 5 Overview
    2. Lesson 5.2: AWS Cloud IAM Concepts (Demo)
    3. Lesson 5.3: AWS Redshift Security Network Concepts (Whiteboard Demo)
    4. Lesson 5.4: AWS Redshift Federated Queries
    5. Lesson 5.5: Understanding Policies (Demo)
    6. Lesson 5.6: AWS Redshift Network Security (Demo)
  7. Module 6: AWS Redshift Data Management Concepts
    1. Lesson 6.1: Module 6 Overview
    2. Lesson 6.2: Query Data with Query Editor in Redshift (Demo)
    3. Lesson 6.3: Load Data into Redshift (Demo)
    4. Lesson 6.4: Table Design Concepts
    5. Lesson 6.5: Table Design (Demo)
    6. Lesson 6.6: Query Data in Redshift (Demo)
    7. Lesson 6.7: Course Closeout

Product information

  • Title: AWS Redshift Data Platform Fundamentals
  • Author(s): Joe Holbrook
  • Release date: September 2023
  • Publisher(s): O'Reilly Media, Inc.
  • ISBN: 0636920933953