© Russell Fustino 2018
Russell FustinoAzure and Xamarin Formshttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-3561-4_2

2. Introduction to Xamarin Forms

Russell Fustino1 
New Port Richey, Florida, USA

Xamarin Forms is an awesome cross platform environment from which to build iOS, Android, and UWP apps, as well as other potential platforms in the future.

Project Overview

In this chapter, you’ll get your feet wet with Xamarin Forms via five projects. Each project builds on the prior one. Several topics will be covered in this introductory chapter, including how to create a Xamarin Forms solution, as well as emulator tips, navigation, images, event handlers, device form factors, and list views. The result will be a typical app with a main navigation page, a list ...

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