Lets configure and use MQTT client tool:
- Download and install the MQTTBox tool from http://workswithweb.com/html/mqttbox/downloads.html.
- Click on the Create MQTT Client to create a new connection:
MQTT client connection
- Configure the MQTT Client:
MQTT Client Name = myFirstmqttclientMQTT Client Id = 'myFirstDevice'HOST: IoTHubCookBook.azure-devices.net:8883username: IoTHubCookBook.azure-devices.net/{Device Id}/DeviceClientType=azure-iot-device%2F1.1.0-dtpreview&api-version=2016-11-14password: Genreate SharedAccessSignature using Device explorerAppend timestamp to MQTT client Id = NO
- Click Publish – you should get a green ...