3 ACT: with intent

Reshaping the relationship with your boss won't be the result of one idea, one attempt or a single act of initiative. It will be the product of a series of courageous conversations, actions, responses and reflections.

It's now time to start enacting the ideas and options we explored in the previous chapter. It can be easy to put this off, thinking, ‘I'll wait for the perfect time'. There is no perfect time. There's just now or later, and the problem with later is it often never arrives.

You also run the risk that if you take too long to act the underlying issue becomes even harder to deal with. A small crack in a relationship can widen and deepen if left untreated for a long time. You are much better off treating and repairing small cracks early and swiftly.

In her book Dare to Lead, Dr Brené Brown refers to these conversations and actions as your ‘arena moments'. These are the moments when you are called to show up, be brave and walk into the arena despite your fears.

This may mean talking to your boss about an impact their behaviour is having on you. It may mean speaking up in a meeting in front of more senior stakeholders. It may mean saying ‘no' to more work and setting boundaries. It may mean facing up to one of your unproductive behaviours and challenging yourself to be more.

In all situations it will require you to drop any defensive or unhelpful behaviour that's holding you back, and all the while hold true to your vision and principles (outlined ...

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