Chapter 15. Creating the Knowledge, Education, and Growth Scorecard
Learning how to pick the right measures to grow
Putting together a scorecard for growth and learning
Adjusting for development opportunities
The growth and development of any company is fueled by a desire to improve performance (with a better skilled, knowledgeable and educated workforce) combined with a vision for long-term success (with new and improved performance, coupled with new products and greater market share). The challenge is to determine how to meld these two for mutual advantage. The way to do this is through the Balanced Scorecard.
When all four legs or perspectives are balanced — with dashboards indicating any changes of significance — you can see the current performance providing the necessary financial, delivery and quality success. At the same time, you also see ahead to the future, enabling change as it becomes necessary and appropriate to the coming changes in your customers and markets.
In this chapter, we will look at how measures are selected, to be sure that you’ve got the best ones with which to build your scorecard. We will also talk about what these measures tell you, and how to capitalize on the indicators for your growth and development.
Finding The Right Measures For Knowledge, Education And Growth
As you might imagine, the measures for this leg of the Balanced Scorecard are different than the other three legs. Growth and development doesn’t ...
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