Chapter 3. Using Ballerina: A Sample Application
This section describes how to use Ballerina efficiently to produce sleek, readable code. The example presented comes from a small but fully functional service that carries out one tiny part of an online retail store: finding information about products in a customer order. Here are some of the features illustrated by this small application:
Cooperating services
Asynchronous calls to external services
RESTful web communication
Database access
Error handling
Format conversion, particularly involving JSON
The application is made up of the following parts:
- Store service
This receives an order ID over the web and returns a record containing various information such as the name, price, and inventory stock of each product. To do so, this service queries the Order service.
- Order service
This receives an order ID from the Store service and returns a record containing information about each product in the order. To do so, this service queries a database, the Product service, and the Inventory service.
- Product service
This receives a product ID from the Order service and returns a record containing the name and price of that product. To do so, this service queries the same database as the Order service.
- Inventory service
This receives a product ID from the Order service and returns a record containing the stock (number of available items for that product). To do so, this service queries the same database as the Order and ...
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