Additional Practice Questions

  1. The correct order of radii is represented by
    1. K+ > Cl
    2. S6+ > S4+
    3. 35Cl > 37Cl
    4. Cr3+ > Mn6+
  2. The number of umpaired electrons in which of the following is maximum
    1. Zn2+
    2. Ni2+
    3. Fe2+
    4. Co2+
  3. In the periodic table oxidizing power of elements
    1. Decreases from left to right in a period
    2. Increases from left to right in a period
    3. Does not change from left to right in a period
    4. Increases and then decreases in a period from left to right
  4. For which of the following positive oxidation number is not possible
    1. Oxygen
    2. Fluorine
    3. Nitrogen
    4. Chlorine
  5. Which one exists as discrete polyatomic molecule
    1. White - P
    2. Diamond
    3. Graphite
    4. Black - P
  6. Effective nuclear charge (Z*)
    1. Increases ...

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