


cubes, 92

rectangles, with diagonals, 80, 81

Aerial perspective, 201208

as stylistic device, 202, 208

as compositional tool, 202

atmospheric density, 201

constructing, 205208

clarity related to position in space, 7, 202

effects of darkness and, 204

gray scale guide, 207

how aerial perspective works, 203

setting up aerial perspective, 205208

spheres of disappearance, 204

vanishing plane, 206207

Aerial spheres of disappearance, 204

Aides, perspective drawing, 298

Airplane, perspective views, 266267


finding, 2122

of objects to picture plane, 45

Angular reflections, 154, 159162

Apexes, curves, plotting, 120121

Arcade, perspective view, 274275


of circle, 114

sketching, 168


construction, 118, 122, 123, 124125, 128

from elevation to perspective view, 274275

pointed arches and vaults, 244245

Atmospheric density, 201

Automobiles, perspective view, 260263


center vertical, 17

drawing curves on one axis, 123

drawing curves on two axes, 124

Axonometrics, 32, 37, 39


Bank, perspective views, 236237

Bicycle, perspective views, 256257

Binocular vision, 12

Boat hull:

oblique views, 28

perspective views, 126127, 264265, 270271

Boolean operations, 216

Boxes, perspective views, 222223


CAD (Computer Aided Design), 212

Camera, metaphorical, 218220

Camera obscura, 298

Center vertical axis, 17

Chairs, perspective view, 226233

Church interior, perspective view, 244245

Circles, 111118

arc of, 114

in complex forms, 112

curved forms based ...

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