Exercises 9.1, page 267

  1. 1.

    Four vectors. One goes horizontally left, another then goes up and left, and another then goes up and right. The resultant, R, goes up and left from the first to third vector.
  2. 3.

    Three vectors. One vector goes up and right, then another goes horizontally left. The resultant, R, goes up and left from the first to second vector.
  3. 5.

    1. Scalar because no direction is given.

    2. Vector because direction is given.

  4. 7.

    1. Vector: magnitude and direction are specified.

    2. Scalar: only magnitude is specified.

  5. 9.

    A vector which goes up and right.
  6. 11.

    A vector that goes up and right at a slight angle to the vertical.
  7. 13.

    A vector that goes up and left.
  8. 15. 5.6, 50 ° 

  9. 17. 4.3, ...

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