Digital technology can solve many video problems.

Analog and Digital

A to D Conversion

Changing the signal from analog voltages into a stream of numbers for digital video takes place in a device known as an analog-to-digital (A to D) converter.

The video signal, from 0 to 100 on the waveform monitor, is approximately 0.7 V strong. You know that the stronger the voltage (0.7), the brighter the glow on the CRT; the weaker the voltage (0.0), the darker the CRT. If we pick a point right in the middle of that range (0.35 V), we could probably figure out that would be in the middle of the gray range. This is sort of what the A to D converter does. The brightness range is divided into 256 possible levels (8-bit processing), with 0.00 V equaling the ...

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