Author Index
Note: with references having more than three authors, the names of all authors appear in this index, but only the first authors appear in the in-text citations.
Aarons, L., 485
Abayomi, K., 466
Adams, E., 516
Agresti, A., 97, 432
Aitchison, J., 57
Aitkin, M., 401
Akaike, H., 192
Albert, J., 431, 432
Alpert, M., 26
Altman, D., 98
Anderson, D., 192, 446
Anderson, T., 466
Andrieu, C., 308
Angrist, J., 230
Anscombe, F., 229
Ansolabehere, S., 378
Arlot, S., 192
Armagan, A., 498
Arminger, G., 378
Atkinson, A., 162
Bafumi, J., 432
Bajwa, ...
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