Facet 7 Engage

In a recent Gallup article, Jennifer Robison explains that millennials like to job-hop because only 29 per cent are engaged at work. Robison says they continually search for high-quality management that provides opportunities to learn and grow and to do work that's purposeful.

Now I'm not convinced that this need for increased engagement at work is only reserved for those born post 1981! All of us, of all ages, are seeking connection with others and the opportunity to learn and better ourselves.

We all crave to be engaged and excited by our work within teams, with our clients and with each other.

CEOs approach me at the end of year-long leadership programs and say, ‘Wow the team are so connected and engaged. There's so much support in this room for each other — how did you do that?' My answer is, ‘I care about their success. I want them to succeed and the only way to do this is to respect and get to know each individual by creating a safe space where we can talk and engage. I choose to listen, to really listen, because how can I truly provide help and support if I don't understand where they're currently at?'

People ask me, ‘How do I network? What's the first thing I should say?' My answer is always, ‘Say hi, be yourself and talk. Be truly interested in the other person and ask them a question. Listen carefully and then ask another question'.

Years later I bump into people I met at conferences, whom I trained or mentored, and I'll remember something about them ...

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