Be Decisive – Now!

Book description

Discover how to Be Decisive - Now!
This 2-in-1 guide is designed to help you become a more effective decision maker in an instant, whilst giving you the deeper knowledge to ensure long-lasting results.
With the unique 2-in-1 approach, you can learn your way. Use the seven Speed Read tips immediately, then take your time exploring the Big Picture chapters.
·    Make the right decisions quickly and effectively
·    Understand the problem properly and work out your priorities
·    Ensure your decision is the right one and avoid the common mistakes
·    Know the value of risk planning and how to do it successfully
·    Look back to learn lessons on better decisions next time
As an ambitious manager, you need the right information at the right time to help you advance in your career. The 2-in-1 Manager will ensure you improve and succeed in business, right now and in the future.

Table of contents

  1. Cover
  2. Title
  3. Contents
  4. About the author
  5. Acknowledgements
  6. Chapter 1 Get The Problem Right
    1. Speed read
      1. 1.1 Create distance, set the context first
      2. 1.2 Sift symptoms from causes
      3. 1.3 Know your strategic priorities
      4. 1.4 Articulate your problem statement
      5. 1.5 Validate your problem with stakeholders
      6. 1.6 Filter out problem and solution bias
      7. 1.7 Be clear about ownership and key roles
    2. Big picture
      1. 1.1 Create distance, set the context first
      2. 1.2 Sift symptoms from causes
      3. 1.3 Know your strategic priorities
      4. 1.4 Articulate your problem statement
      5. 1.5 Validate your problem with stakeholders
      6. 1.6 Filter out problem and solution bias
      7. 1.7 Be clear about ownership and key roles
  7. Chapter 2 Develop Creative Alternatives
    1. Speed read
      1. 2.1 Alternatives are more than contrasting props
      2. 2.2 Go for unique ideas to bolster your competitive position
      3. 2.3 Think outside the box!
      4. 2.4 Focus on bigger problems to find bigger solutions
      5. 2.5 Use clear ground rules for productive brainstorming
      6. 2.6 Give your alternatives an honest, fair chance
      7. 2.7 Go on, do cherry pick
    2. Big picture
      1. 2.1 Alternatives are more than contrasting props
      2. 2.2 Go for unique ideas to bolster your competitive position
      3. 2.3 Think outside the box!
      4. 2.4 Focus on bigger problems to find bigger solutions
      5. 2.5 Use clear ground rules for productive brainstorming
      6. 2.6 Give your alternatives an honest, fair chance
      7. 2.7 Go on, do cherry pick
  8. Chapter 3 What Would you Really, Really Do Without Money?
    1. Speed read
      1. 3.1 Make the most of what you have with the Optimised Base Case
      2. 3.2 Create real value, fast
      3. 3.3 Create instant credibility (1)
      4. 3.4 Create instant credibility (2)
      5. 3.5 Unveil value in projects you’d normally avoid
      6. 3.6 Be clear on why not to do the Optimised Base Case
      7. 3.7 Harvest insights gained from the Optimised Base Case
    2. Big picture
      1. 3.1 Make the most of what you have with the Optimised Base Case
      2. 3.2 Create real value, fast
      3. 3.3 Create instant credibility (1)
      4. 3.4 Create instant credibility (2)
      5. 3.5 Unveil value in projects you’d normally avoid
      6. 3.6 Be clear on why not to do the Optimised Base Case
      7. 3.7 Harvest insights gained from the Optimised Base Case
  9. Chapter 4 Ensure Your Decision is the Right One
    1. Speed read
      1. 4.1 Align with company strategy
      2. 4.2 Validate your Right to Succeed
      3. 4.3 Avoid the ‘there is no doubt’ decision trap
      4. 4.4 Ensure early vertical alignment
      5. 4.5 Don’t second-guess your leader
      6. 4.6 Be clear about what you are giving up
      7. 4.7 How does this fit with other things going on?
    2. Big picture
      1. 4.1 Align with company strategy
      2. 4.2 Validate your Right to Succeed
      3. 4.3 Avoid the ‘there is no doubt’ decision trap
      4. 4.4 Ensure early vertical alignment
      5. 4.5 Don’t second-guess your leader
      6. 4.6 Be clear about what you are giving up
      7. 4.7 How does this fit with other things going on?
  10. Chapter 5 Prepare for Success
    1. Speed read
      1. 5.1 Be clear about what really drives value
      2. 5.2 Prepare to be wrong
      3. 5.3 Work with a Range of Outcomes
      4. 5.4 Encourage constructive challenge
      5. 5.5 Appoint value driver owners
      6. 5.6 Cast the net of outcomes wide
      7. 5.7 Reduce the downside, maximise the upside
    2. Big picture
      1. 5.1 Be clear about what really drives value
      2. 5.2 Prepare to be wrong
      3. 5.3 Work with a Range of Outcomes
      4. 5.4 Encourage constructive challenge
      5. 5.5 Appoint value driver owners
      6. 5.6 Cast the net of outcomes wide
      7. 5.7 Reduce the downside, maximise the upside
  11. Chapter 6 Be Realistic About the Risks
    1. Speed read
      1. 6.1 Know the value of risk planning
      2. 6.2 Check for different risk types
      3. 6.3 What risks should you worry about most?
      4. 6.4 Ask about options
      5. 6.5 Explore exit strategies
      6. 6.6 Set trip wires and keep an eye on things
      7. 6.7 Erect guard rails
    2. Big picture
      1. 6.1 Know the value of risk planning
      2. 6.2 Check for different risk types
      3. 6.3 What risks should you worry about most?
      4. 6.4 Ask about options
      5. 6.5 Explore exit strategies
      6. 6.6 Set trip wires and keep an eye on things
      7. 6.7 Erect guard rails
  12. Chapter 7 Look Back to Look Ahead
    1. Speed read
      1. 7.1 Understand why hardly anyone ever looks back
      2. 7.2 Look back to learn some lessons
      3. 7.3 Make it swift, painless and valuable
      4. 7.4 Look ahead to make looking back easier
      5. 7.5 Have a mindset for failure
      6. 7.6 Align incentives for looking back
      7. 7.7 Include lessons from the past in your proposal
    2. Big picture
      1. 7.1 Understand why hardly anyone ever looks back
      2. 7.2 Look back to learn some lessons
      3. 7.3 Make it swift, painless and valuable
      4. 7.4 Look ahead to make looking back easier
      5. 7.5 Have a mindset for failure
      6. 7.6 Align incentives for looking back
      7. 7.7 Include lessons from the past in your proposal
  13. What did you think of this book?
  14. Appendix
  15. Index
  16. Endorsements
  17. Imprint

Product information

  • Title: Be Decisive – Now!
  • Author(s): Jos van Rozen
  • Release date: July 2016
  • Publisher(s): Pearson
  • ISBN: 9781292119809