Culture Drives Results

That's a Shame

Culture is a word that often gets an eye roll from business leaders. It sounds like one of those squishy ideas that busy, important captains of industry don't have time to think about or deal with because they're so busy creating results.

That's a shame. Actually it's more than a shame. It's a failure of leadership, because your culture drives your results—or your lack of them.

Your organization already has a culture. It's not something that you come up with on a leadership retreat. It's how everyone in your organization behaves with one another and everyone else, including partners, vendors, prospects, customers, the people on the elevator, the person on the phone, the person who sent the e-mail, the upset customer who comments on your Facebook page, or anyone out there who you have any contact with in any way.

By Accident or Intentional?

You can't not have a culture. The only question is whether your organization's culture was created by accident or created with intention. If you are going to be the best at what matters most, you have to be very intentional about culture.

Your culture is the real-life, everyday version of your values being played out among your people. Your culture is what matters most to you internally, as a team. By the way, if you are a one-person business, you have a culture just as much as Apple or BMW has a culture.

Everything in Alignment

In terms of culture, the goal is to get everything that matters most in alignment. ...

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