Creating a Simple Tag

For your first step in creating a simple tag, you must write the tag handler class. Using the helper class, you should extend the abstract class TagSupport as shown in Listing 18.2,

Listing 18.2.
package com.gams.ejbs.item;

import javax.servlet.jsp.*;
import javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.*;
import java.sql.Date;

public class SummaryDisplayItem extends TagSupport

Next you must implement setters/getters, and the doStartTag() and doEndTag() methods as shown here.

 ItemValue[] itemArray = null; public SummaryDisplayItem() { } public void setItemArray(ItemValue[] iAr) { itemArray = iAr; System.out.println("SummaryDisplayItme:1-ParamConstructor: Item array set....."); ...

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