Chapter 7

Introducing BoneScript

In This Chapter

arrow Getting familiar with JavaScript, Node.js, and BoneScript

arrow Launching and exploring Cloud9 IDE

arrow Writing your first script from scratch with BoneScript

arrow Wiring an LED and a resistor and blinking more LEDs

One of the coolest things that the BeagleBone enables you to do is watch the code you write become projects that interact with the real world. Chapter 6 gives you a glimpse of that world, but it really merely scratches the surface.

This chapter introduces BoneScript, a library containing functions specially created for the BeagleBone. This library greatly simplifies the process of configuring the pins of your BeagleBone; tasks such as blinking a light-emitting diode (LED), reading a button, controlling a servomotor, and reading a sensor are quite easy with BoneScript.

You get into programming just as you get the hang of riding a bike — by practicing — and that’s exactly what this chapter helps you do. This chapter introduces new concepts with examples whose results you can promptly watch in the real world. We greatly encourage you to ...

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