Chapter 7

Sugar Detox 101

In This Chapter

arrow Understanding the myriad benefits of a sugar detox

arrow Getting started on your detox journey

arrow Checking out complementary medicine therapies and practitioners

Detox and cleanse are two terms that are often used to indicate a dietary plan that reduces or eliminates consumption of unhealthy substances. Whether you take a step-by-step approach to gradually reduce your sugar intake or you quit sugar cold turkey, you’ll reap the benefits of detoxifying your body from the harmful effects of sugar overload.

This chapter helps you appreciate all the mental, physical, emotional, and medical benefits of getting off sugar — many of which you may never have thought of. I also give you a few tips on finding some holistic medicine options that may assist your quest to detox from sugar.

Appreciating What a Sugar Detox Can Do for You

Sugar, in excessive amounts, is one of the most harmful substances you can eat. When you look at a piece of candy, a soda, or a bag of pastries, you may not think of the word toxin, but refined sugars (along with other artificial sweeteners) place a huge physiological stress on your body’s systems. Only smoking can match sugar’s ...

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