The most courageous act is still to think for yourself. Aloud.—COCO CHANEL

MIKE COWED MOST of his staff. He also knew how to handle those like Mitch who fought back reactively. In Cynthia, he met his match.

A tall, African American woman, Cynthia waved off those who warned her against coming to work for Mike. “He flies into rages,” they said. “It’s like working in a prison camp.”

“I’ve raised four sons, all of whom thought they were God’s gift to women,” replied Cynthia. “I know how to deal with aggressive, entitled bullies.”

Mike didn’t appear to notice Cynthia during her first two weeks on the job. She observed how her coworkers cowered when Mike approached, but he left Cynthia alone. In her third week, during ...

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