At the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.—THEODORE ROOSEVELT
WHEN NANCY ARRIVED AT her new job, prior to 8 a.m., she poked her head into the accounting manager’s office. “Hi, I’m reporting for duty,” Nancy said brightly.
“Whoops,” responded Yvonne, “We don’t pay overtime.”
“I wouldn’t charge overtime, I thought I’d just get to my desk and get a head start. I promise I won’t sign in.”
“I appreciate your enthusiasm, but if I let you upstairs,” said Yvonne, biting off her words, “it’s on my head.”
“Okay,” said Nancy, “I’ll wait.”
At two minutes before 8:00, she returned. Yvonne looked up ...
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