YAHOO! RUNS SOME OF THE WORLD'S MOST POPULAR WEBSITES, AND EVERY MONTH OVER HALF A BILLION people visit those sites. These websites are powered by database infrastructures that store user profiles, photos, restaurant reviews, blog posts, and a remarkable array of other kinds of data. Yahoo! has developed and deployed mature, stable database architectures to support its sites, and to provide low-latency access to data so that pages load quickly.
Unfortunately, these systems suffer from some important limitations. First, adding system capacity is often difficult, requiring months of planning and data reorganization, and impacting the quality of service experienced by applications during the transition. Some systems have a hard upper limit on the scale they can support, even if sufficient hardware were to be added. Second, many systems were designed a long time ago, with a single datacenter in mind. Since then, Yahoo! has grown to a global brand with a large user base spread all over the world. To provide these users with a good experience, we have to replicate data to be close to them so that their pages load quickly. Since the database systems did not provide global replication as a built-in feature, applications had to build it themselves, resulting in complex application logic and brittle infrastructure. Because of all the effort required to deploy a large-scale, geographically replicated database architecture, it was hard to quickly roll out new applications or new features of existing applications that depended on that architecture.
PNUTS is a system that aims to support Yahoo!'s websites and application platforms and address these limitations (Cooper et al. 2008). It is designed to be operated as a storage cloud that efficiently handles mixed read and write workloads from tenant applications and supports global data replication natively. Like many other distributed systems, PNUTS achieves high performance and scalability by horizontally partitioning the data across an array of storage servers. Complex analysis or decision-support workloads are not our focus. Our system makes two properties first-class features, baked in from the start:
- Scale-out
Data is partitioned across servers, and adding capacity is as easy as adding new servers. The system smoothly transfers load to the new servers.
- Geo-replication
Data is automatically replicated around the world. Once the developer tells the system at which colos[3] to replicate the data, the system takes care of the details of making it happen, including the details of handling failures (of machines, links, and even entire colos).
We also set several other goals for the system. In particular, we want application developers to be able to focus on the logic of their application, not on the nuts and bolts of operating the database. So we decided to make the database hosted, and to provide a simple, clean API to allow a developer to store and access data without having to tune a large number of parameters. Because the system is to be hosted, we wanted to make it as self-maintainable as possible.
While all of these goals are important to us, building a database system that could both scale-out and globally replicate data was the most compelling and immediate value proposition for the company. And as we began to design the system, it became clear that this required us to rethink many well-understood and long-used mechanisms in database systems (Ramakrishnan and Gehrke 2002).
The key idea we use to achieve both scale-out and geo-replication is to carry out only simple, cheap operations synchronously, and to do all the expensive heavy lifting asynchronously in the background. For example, when a user in California is trying to tag a photo with a keyword, she definitely does not want to wait for the system to commit that tag to the Singapore replica of the tag database (the network latency from California to Singapore can be as high as a second). However, she still wants her friend in Singapore to be able to see the tag, so the Singapore replica must be updated asynchronously in the background, quickly (in seconds or less) and reliably.
As another example of how we leverage asynchrony, consider queries such as aggregations and joins that typically require examining data on many different servers. As we scale out, the probability that some of these servers are slow or down increases, thereby adversely affecting request latency. To remedy this problem, we can maintain materialized views that reorganize the base data so that (a predetermined set of) complex queries can be answered by accessing a single server. Similar to database replicas, updating each view synchronously would be prohibitively slow on writes. Hence, our approach is to update views asynchronously.
In the rest of this chapter, we explore the implications of focusing on scale-out and geo-replication as first-class features. We illustrate the main issues with an example, explain our basic approach, and discuss several issues and extensions. We then compare PNUTS with alternative approaches. Our discussion concentrates on the design philosophy, rather than the details of system architecture or implementation, and covers some features that are not in the current production version of the system in order to highlight the choices made in the overall approach.
[3] Colocation facility, or data center. Yahoo! operates a large number of these, spread across the world.
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