Looking at Tags

In addition to all this ordinal and numeric data, we have a set of free-form tags that users are able enter about a person's picture. The tags range from descriptive ("freckles", "nosering") to crass ("takemetobed", "dirtypits") to friendly ("you.look.good.in.red") to advice ("cutyourhair", "avoidsun") to editorial ("awwdorable!!!!!", "EnoughUploadsNancy") to mean ("Thefatfriend") to nonsensical ("…", "plokmnjiuhbygvtfcrdxeszwaq"). In general, free-text data is more complicated to process.

The first thing to do is examine the distribution of the tags. What's the most common tag?

Load our tags               > face_tags = read.delim("face_tags.tsv",sep="\t",as.is=T)
then count                  > counts = table(face_tags$tag)
and rank them.              > sorted_counts = sort(counts, decreasing=T)
Show the most common tags.  > sorted_counts[1:20]

The following table contains the output.

cute 81333

pretty 40954

happy 36263

nice 33221

fun 30622

young 27900

sweet 20362

friendly 14895

cool 14709

weird 12731

hot 12662

gay 12409

Cute 12132

funny 11508

scary 11445

sexy 11287

old 10958

goofy 10511

emo 10292

shy 10207


What are the least common tags?

Show the least common tags.    > tail(sorted_count, 20)

Glancing at a few of the tags raises questions about normalization. Should "cute" and "Cute" be merged into the same tag? Should punctuation be dropped entirely? Should that funny-looking full-width question mark for Asian languages be considered ...

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