CHAPTER 17Guiding Third Year Nursing Students

Christopher Johns


As you might expect, the tone and depth of a guided reflection session with third‐year students will differ in contrast with guiding first‐year students. The following scenario illustrates guiding third‐year nursing students undertaking the professional placement module. They have met twice weekly for three hours in guided reflection since commencing the programme.

The guide is Gary. It is Karen’s turn to share. She practices on an elderly care unit where she has been provisionally accepted for a staff nurse position. The ward has established mentorship whereby Toni, the ward sister, mentors Karen.

Karen’s Experience

Karen (reading from her journal) – ‘One night last week Hank, one of the patients, complained to me about the actions of one of the night care assistants. He said she was very rude when he asked for help. She told him curtly that he would have to wait, that he wasn’t the only patient on the ward. He was very angry and distressed about it. I felt awful for him. Somewhat impetuously I wrote about his complaint in the notes. I did this because I felt angry on his behalf but also to cover my own back because if something had happened because of that, if he had got worked up and had a heart attack or he made a formal complaint. I didn’t state who was involved or the nature of the incident. Christine, the staff nurse on duty that night, picked up what I had written in the notes and told me ...

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