A.5. Integrate SQLite

Since AIR has the ability to easily integrate with SQLite, we can use a database to store some of the data that are retrieved from the weather service. These data will be utilized in a later portion of this Appendix. To handle all of the interactions with the SQLite database, we will use a DataManager class. Create a new ActionScript class named DataManager.as within the com.everythingflex.air.managers package, and enter the contents of Listing A-3.

Example A-3. The DataManager class
package  com.everythingflex.air.managers
    import  flash.data.SQLConnection;
    import  flash.filesystem.File;
    import  flash.events.SQLErrorEvent;
    import  flash.events.SQLEvent;
    import  flash.data.SQLStatement;
    import  flash.filesystem.FileStream;
    import  flash.filesystem.FileMode;
    import  flash.data.SQLResult;
    import  mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
    import  com.everythingflex.shared.model.DataModel;

    public class  DataManager {

        private var  conn:SQLConnection;
        private var  createTableStatement:SQLStatement;
        private var  insertStatement:SQLStatement;
        private var  selectHistorySQL:SQLStatement;

        // open or create the database 
        public function  openDatabase():void {
            conn = new  SQLConnection();
conn.addEventListener(SQLErrorEvent.ERROR, errorHandler);
            var  dbFile:File =
File.applicationStorageDirectory.resolvePath("WeatherAIR.db" );
            if (dbFile.exists) {
               conn.addEventListener(SQLEvent.OPEN, openHandler);
            } else  { conn.addEventListener(SQLEvent.OPEN, createHandler); } conn.openAsync(dbFile); ...

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