What you saw in the previous chapter was a compendium of traditional animation techniques—traditional not in the Flash animation pioneer John Kricfalusi sense, but in the sense that they represent the basic tools animators working in Animate CC have used since time out of mind. Some tools don’t change simply because they don’t have to; they’re that useful. The exciting part is that Adobe introduced a new set of tools back in the Flash Professional CS4 era in addition to the time-tested tools. ...
© Tom Green and Joseph Labrecque 2017
TOM GREEN and Joseph Labrecque, Beginning Adobe Animate CC, 10.1007/978-1-4842-2376-5_8
8. The Motion Editor and Inverse Kinematics
Tom Green1 and Joseph Labrecque2
(1)OAKVILLE, Ontario, Canada
(2)Thornton, Colorado, USA
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