A.11. Chapter 11
A.11.1. Exercise 1 solution
set trackName to text returned of (display dialog "Type in some characters from the song name" default answer "") tell application "iTunes" set trackList to search first library playlist for trackName only songs if (count trackList) is 1 then set trackToPlay to item 1 of trackList else if (count trackList) > 1 then -- make a list of track names, artists and albums for the user to choose from set trackChoiceList to {} repeat with aTrack in trackList set end of trackChoiceList to name of aTrack & " -- " & artist of ¬ aTrack & " -- " & album of aTrack end repeat choose from list trackChoiceList with prompt "Pick one:" set resultList to result if resultList is false then -- User canceled? return else set trackSelected to item 1 of resultList end if -- now find the selected track from the list repeat with i from 1 to (count trackList) if trackSelected = (item i of trackChoiceList) then set trackToPlay to item i of trackList exit repeat end if end repeat else -- no matching tracks display dialog "I couldn't find any tracks containing " & trackName & ¬ " in their titles" with icon note buttons {"OK"} default button 1 return end if -- finally, play the track play trackToPlay -- AppleScript doesn't wait for the song to finish! display dialog "Playing " & name of trackToPlay buttons {"OK"} with icon ¬ note default button 1 giving up after 3 end tell
A.11.2. Exercise 2 solution
Replace the line from the applet that reads
set trackList to search ...
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