Project 36 – Serial Temperature Sensor
This project uses the LM335 analog temperature sensor. This sensor is part of the LM135 range of sensors from National Semiconductors. It has a range from -40°C to +100°C (-40°F to +212°F) and so is ideal for using in a weather station, for example.
Parts Required
The circuit and code is designed for an LM335 sensor, but you can just as easily substitute an LM135 or LM235 if you wish. You will need to adjust your code accordingly to the relevant sensor. The 5K ohm trim pot can be substituted with a standard rotary potentiometer of a similar value. Any value trimmer or potentiometer with a value between 5K ohm and 10K ohm will do.
LM335 Temperature Sensor |
5K ohm Trim Pot |
2.2K ohm Resistor |
A trim ...
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