9.3. Managing Websites with IIS Manager
When IIS is installed, it automatically creates a directory named c:\Inetpub\wwwroot, which represents your website. Any files in this directory will appear as though they're in the root of your web server.
To add more pages to your web server, you can copy HTML, ASP, or ASP.NET files directly to the c:\Inetpub\wwwroot directory. For example, if you add the file TestFile.html to this directory, you can request it in a browser through the URL http://localhost/TestFile.html. You can even create subdirectories to group related resources. For example, you can access the file c:\Inetpub\wwwroot\MySite\MyFile.html through a browser using the URL http://localhost/MySite/MyFile.html.
Using the wwwroot directory ...
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