Beginning ASP.NET 4.5.1: in C# and VB

Book description

Build your ASP.NET 4.5.1 skills with real-world instruction

In this comprehensive guide to getting started with ASP.NET 4.5.1, best-selling author Imar Spaanjaars provides a firm foundation for coders new to ASP.NET and key insights for those not yet familiar with the important updates in the 4.5.1 release. Readers learn how to build full-featured ASP.NET websites using Visual Studio Express 2013 for Web, Microsoft's free development tool for ASP.NET web applications. Beginning ASP.NET 4.5.1 guides you through the process of creating a fully functional, database-driven website, from creation of the most basic site structure all the way down to the successful deployment of the website to a production environment.

Beginning ASP.NET 4.5.1: in C# and VB:

  • Explains how to get started with ASP.NET 4.5.1, including an introduction to Microsoft's Visual Studio Express 2013 for Web

  • Features helpful examples for designing websites with CSS and HTML and how to overcome common formatting problems

  • Shares techniques for managing server controls in ASP.NET, including standard controls, HTML controls, and data controls

  • Provides real-world tips for creating consistent page layouts throughout your websites

  • Covers practical functionality issues like validating user input, sending e-mail from your website, and processing data at the server

  • Details what the ASP.NET state engine is and why it is important

  • Shows how to access and modify data in a SQL Server database

  • Includes coverage of jQuery, LINQ, and the Entity Framework

  • Explores measures to take for optimal security

  • Table of contents

    1. Chapter 1: Getting Started with ASP.NET 4.5.1
      1. Microsoft Visual Studio Express for Web
      2. Creating Your First ASP.NET 4.5.1 Website
      3. An Introduction to ASP.NET 4.5.1
      4. A Tour of the IDE
      5. Customizing the IDE
      6. The Sample Application
      7. Practical Tips on Visual Studio
      8. Summary
    2. Chapter 2: Building an ASP.NET Website
      1. Creating Websites with Visual Studio 2013
      2. Working with Files in Your Website
      3. Working with Web Forms
      4. Practical Tips on Working with Web Forms
      5. Summary
    3. Chapter 3: Designing Your Web Pages
      1. Why Do You Need CSS?
      2. An Introduction to CSS
      3. Working with CSS in Visual Studio
      4. Practical Tips on Working with CSS
      5. Summary
    4. Chapter 4: Working with ASP.NET Server Controls
      1. Introduction to Server Controls
      2. A Closer Look at ASP.NET Server Controls
      3. Types of Controls
      4. The ASP.NET State Engine
      5. Practical Tips on Working with Controls
      6. Summary
    5. Chapter 5: Programming Your ASP.NET Web Pages
      1. Introduction to Programming
      2. Data Types and Variables
      3. Statements
      4. Organizing Code
      5. Object Orientation Basics
      6. Practical Tips on Programming
      7. Summary
    6. Chapter 6: Creating Consistent Looking Websites
      1. Consistent Page Layout with Master Pages
      2. Using a Centralized Base Page
      3. Themes
      4. Skins
      5. Practical Tips on Creating Consistent Pages
      6. Summary
    7. Chapter 7: Navigation
      1. Different Ways to Move Around Your Site
      2. Using the Navigation Controls
      3. Routing
      4. Programmatic Redirection
      5. Practical Tips on Navigation
      6. Summary
    8. Chapter 8: User Controls
      1. Introduction to User Controls
      2. Adding Logic to Your User Controls
      3. Practical Tips on User Controls
      4. Summary
    9. Chapter 9: Validating User Input
      1. Gathering Data from the User
      2. Processing Data at the Server
      3. Practical Tips on Validating Data
      4. Summary
    10. Chapter 10: ASP.NET AJAX
      1. Introducing Ajax
      2. Using ASP.NET AJAX in Your Projects
      3. Using Web Services in Ajax Websites
      4. Practical Ajax Tips
      5. Summary
    11. Chapter 11: jQuery
      1. An Introduction to jQuery
      2. jQuery Syntax
      3. Modifying the DOM with jQuery
      4. Effects with jQuery
      5. jQuery and Validation
      6. Practical Tips on jQuery
      7. Summary
    12. Chapter 12: Introducing Databases
      1. What Is a Database?
      2. Different Kinds of Relational Databases
      3. Using SQL to Work with Database Data
      4. Retrieving and Manipulating Data with SQL
      5. Creating Your Own Tables
      6. Practical Database Tips
      7. Summary
    13. Chapter 13: Displaying and Updating Data
      1. Data Controls
      2. Data Source and Data-bound Controls Working Together
      3. Customizing the Appearance of the Data Controls
      4. Updating and Inserting Data
      5. Practical Tips for Displaying and Updating Data
      6. Summary
    14. Chapter 14: LINQ and the ADO.NET Entity Framework
      1. Introducing LINQ
      2. Introducing the ADO.NET Entity Framework
      3. Mapping Your Data Model to an Object Model
      4. Introducing Query Syntax
      5. Using Model Binding with LINQ Queries
      6. Practical LINQ and ADO.NET Entity Framework Tips
      7. Summary
    15. Chapter 15: Working with Data — Advanced Topics
      1. Formatting Your Controls Using Styles
      2. Handling Events
      3. Hand-Coding Data Access Code
      4. Caching
      5. Practical Data Tips
      6. Summary
    16. Chapter 16: Security in Your ASP.NET Website
      1. Introducing Security
      2. Introducing the Login Controls
      3. The Role Manager
      4. Practical Security Tips
      5. Summary
    17. Chapter 17: Personalizing Websites
      1. Understanding Profile
      2. Other Ways of Dealing with Profile
      3. Practical Personalization Tips
      4. Summary
    18. Chapter 18: Exception Handling, Debugging, and Tracing
      1. Exception Handling
      2. The Basics of Debugging
      3. Tools Support for Debugging
      4. Debugging Client-Side Script
      5. Debugging with the Page Inspector
      6. Cross-browser Testing with Browser Link
      7. Tracing Your ASP.NET Web Pages
      8. Practical Debugging Tips
      9. Summary
    19. Chapter 19: Deploying Your Website
      1. Preparing Your Website for Deployment
      2. Introducing Bundling and Minification
      3. Preparing for Deployment
      4. Running Your Site Under IIS
      5. Moving Data to a Remote Server
      6. The Deployment Checklist
      7. What’s Next
      8. Summary
    20. Appendix A: Exercise Answers
    21. Appendix B: Configuring SQL Server 2012
    22. Introduction
    23. Advertisement
    24. End User License Agreement

    Product information

    • Title: Beginning ASP.NET 4.5.1: in C# and VB
    • Author(s): Imar Spaanjaars
    • Release date: March 2014
    • Publisher(s): Wrox
    • ISBN: 9781118846773