Chapter 18. Case Study 1
At this point, you're done reading the main content of this book. The first 17 chapters covered the principles of ASP.NET MVC. But of course, ASP.NET MVC is much bigger and more extensive than what we have discussed in the book, and it's not possible to cover everything in a single book.
We think that the best complement to this book is a good sample application that deals with a real-world case study. So this chapter and Chapter 19 present two real-world case studies developed specifically for this book that complement the other chapters and supplement each other. In this chapter, we walk through the development process of a sample application, so you can see how to apply many of the techniques covered in this book. This chapter focuses on more principles of MVC development, and Chapter 19 goes further and covers more advanced topics and techniques; therefore, you get a thorough understanding and knowledge from this book.
Throughout the book, we didn't give complete sample code of a real-world application, so you could focus on the concepts; therefore, most of the samples in the chapters are rudimentary (but key) examples that appear frequently as a basis of real-world situations. But in these final two chapters we're going to provide real-world examples that address many questions you may have and, more importantly, prepare you to be able to start developing an ASP.NET MVC application from scratch.
The sample case study for this chapter is a blog engine powered ...
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