

- flag, output specifier,, 2nd, 3rd

-- operator

see decrement operator (--)

- operator,

! (NOT) logical operator,2nd

operator precedence,

when not to use,

# character

see hash (#) character

% character

see percent (%) character

% operator,

& (address of) operator

see address of (&) operator

& bitwise operator,

&& (AND) logical operator,2nd

* character

see also indirection operator (*)

see also multiplication operator (*)

input format specifiers,, 2nd

. operator,

/ divide operator,

?: conditional operator,2nd

\ character

see backslash (\) character

^ character

bitwise operator,, 2nd

specifying delimiters,

string to include only specified characters,

| bitwise operator,, 2nd

|| (OR) logical operator,

~ bitwise operator,,

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