Growing the branches

Next, as I have been promising for around the last seventeen pages, we will use all the new C++ techniques to draw and move some branches on our tree.

Add this code outside the main function. Just to be absolutely clear, I mean before the code int main():

#include "stdafx.h" 
#include <sstream> 
#include <SFML/Graphics.hpp> 
using namespace sf; 
// Function declaration
void updateBranches(int seed);

const int NUM_BRANCHES = 6;
Sprite branches[NUM_BRANCHES];

// Where is the player/branch?
// Left or Right
enum class side { LEFT, RIGHT, NONE };
side branchPositions[NUM_BRANCHES]; 
int main() 

We just achieved quite a few things with that new code:

  • First, we wrote a function prototype for a function called updateBranches. We can see ...

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