© Jonathan Wetherbee, Massimo Nardone, Chirag Rathod, and Raghu Kodali 2018
Jonathan Wetherbee, Massimo Nardone, Chirag Rathod and Raghu KodaliBeginning EJB in Java EE 8https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-3573-7_11

11. EJB Packaging and Deployment

Jonathan Wetherbee1 , Massimo Nardone2, Chirag Rathod3 and Raghu Kodali4
San Mateo, California, USA
Helsinki, Finland
Jayanagar I Blk, India
Cupertino, California, USA

Until now, we have focused on how to build EJBs, Java Persistence API (JPA) entities, and their clients, for exploiting the surrounding enterprise services offered by the EJB container. In Java EE parlance, these tasks fall under the role of Application Component Provider, which is simply referred to as the Provider. In this chapter, ...

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