© Jonathan Wetherbee, Massimo Nardone, Chirag Rathod, and Raghu Kodali 2018
Jonathan Wetherbee, Massimo Nardone, Chirag Rathod and Raghu KodaliBeginning EJB in Java EE 8https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-3573-7_13

13. Testing in an Embeddable EJB Container

Jonathan Wetherbee1 , Massimo Nardone2, Chirag Rathod3 and Raghu Kodali4
San Mateo, California, USA
Helsinki, Finland
Jayanagar I Blk, India
Cupertino, California, USA

As with all mission-critical software, EJB components must be well tested before they are deployed into a production environment. The finest level of granularity in an EJB is its method; so proper unit tests must test each method of each EJB in isolation. For stateless Session beans, this is typically sufficient. Because ...

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