© Richard Petersen 2018
Richard PetersenBeginning Fedora Desktophttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-3882-0_4

4. Installing and Updating Software: DNF, GNOME Software, Packages, DnfDragora, and RPM

Richard Petersen1 
Alameda, California, USA
Fedora software is distributed through an online Fedora software repository. Table 4-1 lists Fedora software information and site locations. Software is added to your system by accessing software repositories with the DNF package manager. The DNF package manager replaces the YUM (Yellowdog Update, Modified) software package manager. Use the dnf command in place of yum. Options remain much the same, and you can still use the yum command instead. The commonly used Fedora software repositories are listed in Table ...

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