ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION, android.permission, 75, 76, 348

access_internet, 79, 81, 339, 348

access_shared, 81, 204, 317

action bar component, 2829

actionBarVisible, 162163

ActionScript 3.0 (AS3). See also ECMAScript

defined, 2

key concepts, 311

SQL, 286

Add Team view, 284, 285

addDriver(), 278, 279

ADDED_TO_STAGE, 163, 310


SQLEvent.OPEN, 248, 255

TouchEvent types, 107, 109, 119, 121, 123, 124, 129

TraitEventDispatcher, 300

URLMonitor, 241, 244

addTeam(), 262, 271, 272, 273

addTxt(), 153

Adobe Flash. See Flash

Adobe Integrated Runtime. See AIR

Adobe website

Flash Builder 4.5.1 updater, 35

Flash Builder requirements, 36

Mobile and Devices Developer Center page, 96

AIR (Adobe Integrated Runtime)


updating, 9698, 99

version number, 9798

camera, 315316

logo, 31

namespace declaration, Hello World App, 69

overview, 3132, 34

AIR application descriptor files. See also


<autoOrients> property, 151

defined, 6768

elements, 68, 99

Hello World App, editing, 6979

retrieving details, 97, 99

setting properties, 68

UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities, 317, 327, 339, 349

AIR File System API, 199238. See also filesystems

Flash Builder, 199

non-browser Flash applications, 199 package, 240

Amazon Appstore, 87, 96

AND, 135, 175


AIR, 31, 32, 34

.apk file, 68, 83, 84, 87, 88, 99

example projects, 53

Flash Player, 2

launch icons, 72, 73

Mobile and Devices Developer Center page, 96

packaging applications, 8288, 99


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