© Joseph B. Ottinger, Jeff Linwood and Dave Minter 2016

Joseph B. Ottinger, Jeff Linwood and Dave Minter, Beginning Hibernate, 10.1007/978-1-4842-2319-2_13

13. Hibernate Envers

Joseph B. Ottinger, Jeff Linwood2 and Dave Minter3

(1)Youngsville, North Carolina, USA

(2)Austin, Texas, USA

(3)London, UK

Hibernate Envers is a project that provides access to entity audit data and versioning and audit data. This means that if you’ve marked an entity as being audited - via the rather cleverly named @Audited annotation - that Hibernate will track changes made to that entity, and you can access the entity as it’s existed through time.

Making Envers Available to Your Project

It’s very easy to provide entity versioning to a Hibernate project: in Maven , you simply ...

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